
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

(Star Wars d6) #10 - The Great Pirate Outpost

Our "Heroes"
Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise
Evus - Twi'lek former mercenary, Ne'vets' armed muscle with a tendency to shoot first.
Tarrie - Human pilot for the upcoming mission.
Frokazza -Wookie co-pilot, mechanic, and unarmed muscle. Very distrustful.

Our hard-rockin' heroes have made contact
with the Kurabana, yet another 
primitive race on the moon of Dathomir
Granted with the knowledge
of their King, the group
has found a fortified outpost.
Can our heroes infiltrate the facility,
Or do they forget the dangers of civilization?

By dusk, the two Kurabanda scouts, Bo'Non'as and Oopsa, led the group to the great pirate base of the "devils from the sky."  

Ne'vets was unimpressed.

Inside a rather high fence with barbed wire on top was a series of rectangluar concrete structures, connected by metal hallways.  Manuevering around the facility, they found a gate, leading to the only door leading out of the buildings.

Ne'vets and Tarrie spied some scanners, oddly looking away from the fence and that main door.   The gate had some complicated recognition panel.

Following Ne'vets' advice, the group hunkered down and decided to do some recon on the door.  They were rewarded within minutes of another repurposed Federation battle droid, with a bad sky blue paint job, emerging from the doors.

As the droid stepped out, the doors immediately closed behind it, and it made its way around the complex.

Debate came up as to what to do.  They convinced the Kurabanda to act as decoys to waylay the droid, but as they were still figuring out the details of the plan, the droid worked its way around the short end of the building, and going through the door.

Evus was able to spy into the hallway just for a second to see some sort of vehicle inside before the doors slammed shut.

Ne'vets and Frokazza tinkered with the security pad at the gate, only successfully setting off what sounded like an low-grade alarm for a landspeeder in Tatooine.  Everyone rushed into the scrubline to hide.

This time, two battledroids emerged from the doors, and opened the gate to investigate the security pad and the potential perimeter breach.

The group's potential ambush seemed to work.    Frokazza finally got the bowcaster working late and blew up one of the droids... and blew up the security pad.  It mattered little as the debris from the droid blocked the gates open.

Everyone rushed down to the open gate, opening fire.  Evus' shot distracted the second droid, and Tarrie's blew its head off.

Evus ran to the building's door and overrode the security pad to let them in.

In front of them was a beat up sky-blue airspeeder with a large open cargo hold. The cargo hold had a large elevated winch with a stencil of a dancing Devorian on it.

They had found the home of the creeps that had been shooting at them in middle of the desert.

The craft was situated in a garage bay, complete with lift and a retractable roof.  The vehicle had been through better times and from the look of tools, was in the middle of repairs.

Tarrie jumped into the front seat and within seconds, was under the hood, finishing the repairs.  He asked Evus for a nearby part, but Evus fired his blaster.... at the Transdosian coming through the door to the rest of the outpost.
The blaster shot hit the pirate in the shoulder and forced him to stagger back.  Ne'vets shots bounced off of his bounty hunter armor, and the grenade flew into the room and the door shut in front of him.

Gas expelled from the grenade, filling the room, but no one suffered any ill effects.

"The grenades on this planet are waaaay past their expiration date."

Realizing the alien was waiting for them to fall asleep so he could assemble his comrades, the group opened the roof, and with Tarrie connecting the last modules, he started the vehicle up.  Ne'vets, Evus, and Frokazza threw in some tools and techkits laying around and the others jumped in the back.  Tarrie engage the craft to lift out of the garage... and the system died.

Tarrie crawled back out, and with Frokazza's help, switching the wires around.  Ne'vets jumped out of the back to go to the control panel of the door and lock it.  Seconds after he succeeded, he could hear a group on the other side, trying to get in.   Ne'vets tried to shoot the panel but missed at point blank range, the shot reflecting off the walls.

Evus finished loading the nearby tools, and spied an intercom on the bench, turning it on and just saying, "Everything's fine here.  We just had a core leak.  Gotta lock it down."

Someone responded, "What sort of morons are you?"   and with the button still pressed they spoke to someone else, "Override the damn thing!  It's our building!"

Tarrue and Frokazza were making great headway fixing the initial repair work, if not for Evus.  In his effort to grab everything he could, the Twi'lek had picked up even the tools on the ground that Tarrie was regularly using, and threw them into the motley pile of tools and equipment in the back of the speeder.

That snafu slowed them down enough to have the outpost staff override the door.  Three humans with blaster and respirators and a pissed-off Transdosian holding two of grenades emerged into the room.

Frokazza rolled over to his bowcaster and shot over the heads of the group.  The Transdosian tossed both grenades in the room, promptly shutting the door.  The first filled the room with gas again, but again, had no other effect.  The second bounced about the room and landed in front of Ne'vets.

The explosion was more akin to a firecracker, a lot of noise, but very little concussion.  The small bit of debris did not affect the rest of the crew or the vehicle.

The second attack was enough to motivate Tarrie to finish the repairs and get the vehicle running the vertical take-off engaged. The "truck-speeder" flew out of the ceiling and into the wilderness.

There were questions as to what the next step.  "How high?"  "Stay low?"  "Does it even have headlights?"

With a few flicks of switches on the console, Tarrie and Evus found the navigation program.  There was an oft-repeated trip to a different location logged in, so they set that course.

Kilometres away from their destination, they could see the glow over the hills.  The first base was a mere outpost, this was a complex, if not a fortified town.  The walls of the complex were dotted with a mixture of gun towers and turrets, so it made sense to enter through the front gate.

Pulling up the main gate, a group of pirates approached, weapons drawn and aimed at them.

The eldest pirates, with a long shaggy mustache, moved up to the door, "What can I do you boys for?"

"We're new, we're not in the system yet.We're new hires"

"What the hell do you mean new hires.  Who hired you?"

Ne'vets looked down at the expired credentials in the damaged glove box and took a chance.

"Bonanas set us..."


"That's the name he's using..."

"Bonanas? Heck, I haven't seen him in months.  I thought he was dead.  What are you guys doing?"

"I don't know, He told us to bring this speedertruck to get fixed."

"What the hell happened?  I know Willy and Truk are horrible drivers, but I've never seen that much damage to the craft.  Pull it into the garage. Open the gate..."

Meanwhile, back at the pirate outpost.  
With a roar, the hovertruck lifted out of the building and flew off into the sky.

Bo'Non'as and Oopsa, the Kurabanda guides, were still hiding in the scrub with the Loper steeds.

"Do you think those guys are coming back for us?"

"I don't think so.  Do you think their steeds are good eatin'?"

"They probably won't miss one..."

Leading the Lopers over the hill, they slayed one, made a fire and attempted to roast over a makeshift pit.

Settling down to dinner, Oopsa spied four figures coming over the hill.

Not one was the super-hairy over-sized Kurabanda.

It seemed like he was replaced by some creature with red gloaming eyes and a large space-gun.  It began firing wildly at them.

The two Kurabanda did the best thing they could, mounting the other Loper and zig-zagging through the scrubland, partly to avoid the blaster fire, partly because they had trouble controlling the beast.

Eventually the blaster fire stopped and the pushed the beast until they reached the tree-line to their forest.

Getting back to the village, Oopsa inquired how they were going to explain everything.

Bo'Non'as was stone faced, raising a single finger towards his friend.

"We tell no one."

GM Notes:   Lots of botches worked in their favor at the first outpost.  A Heroic level Con roll gets them in the Compound.

And what the chance that the old space pirate who owned the land speeder shared a name with their Kurabanda scout?  Weird? 

And *spoilers*, you may see those Kurabanda again... someday.

NEXT: #11 - The Great Space Base

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