
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

(Star Wars d6) #11 - The Space Pirate Base

Our "Heroes"
Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise
Evus - Twi'lek former mercenary, Ne'vets' armed muscle with a tendency to shoot first.
Tarrie - Human pilot for the upcoming mission.
Frokazza -Wookie co-pilot, mechanic, and unarmed muscle. Very distrustful.

Having arrived at a rogue facility,
our heroes attempt to determine
how friendly they can be if 
they can keep the ruse up,
how long they can confuse them, 
and where, oh where, is there a 
vehicle that can get them off-planet?

The late-night pirate guards at the gate let the group in and directed them into the large multi-bay garage directly ahead. 

Blackie, the lead pirate at the gate, gave them simple instructions, "Park your vehicle, grab some grub, and find a rack in the barracks.  We'll work on everything tomorrow morning."

They pulled into the garage, shut the double doors behind them. Inside was a landspeeder, and a large hover vehicle which looked like mining support equipment. 

Tarrie rummaged around, threw some power cells and technical kits into the Hover Hauler.  Once that was prepped, the group left out a back door and they certainly did NOT grab grub and a place to sleep. With only a few pirates milling about in the middle of the night, it was time to wander about.

The first positive was a large concrete landing pad for aircraft and possibly inter-stellar vehicles. 

Second was a far off building that Nevets identified as a mining colony support building that didn't match the other in the complex.  Somebody used to know of this moon's existence, before the pirates.

They moved over to a large complex of concrete buildings, converted storage containers, and a mix of other building materials.

A major surprise in this cluster of buildings was that most of the doors had signs written in Galactic Basic!

The first door they got open was labeled "MAINTENANCE."  They were hit with a stench from a burned recreational plant material and three old Trade Federation battle droids hung up in storage.

Securing the outside door, Nevets poked his head through the other door in the room.  Inside were rows of desk for some office function, with a lone, bored pirate yawning while guarded the room.

"Hey who are you guys?"

"Sorry, we're looking for food..."

"It's completely on the other side of the town."

"That's what I figured, we'll lock up on our way out..."

"Okay, whatever man, c'mon, you gotta be smarter than that... I hate guard duty."

While that was going on, Tarrie decided that re-programming and activating one or more battle droids might give them a little extra firepower. 

Battle Droid #1 becomes operational, descends from its hook, stated, "Ready to Patrol," and marched through the outside door. 

Battle Droid #2 was far easier, standing at attention with a statement, "Ready for your orders."

Battle Droid #3 seemed shorted out and inserting the technical kits caused the lights to flicker in the room.

"Roger, Roger" or "Ready to Work?"
Finally exiting the room back outside, there were more pirates being very loud.

"JoJo, what's going on, all the computers are flickering!"

"It's not the generator!  It's got to be something inside the buildings."

Meandering through the other doors in the complex, they uncovered a communications room. 

Nevets found the meticulously kept comm logs. These detailed the space pirates takeover of the mining operation.  The Star Devil pirates, the group running the moon, were one of four pirate factions who worked together to mine and smuggle the rare metals off planet and sold off.  Recent comms expressed concern over one of the factions completely disappearing. 

Locked in the room, it was finally determined to send out a distress signal to hopefully get "space cops" in the sector to rescue them.  Tarrie set up the comms and Nevets was able to cobble together enough info (Hyrkania hijacking, marooned on a moon in Dathomir).

They then proceeded to jam the planetary comms to prevent any outpost, particularly the one they had visited, from alerted the base of their status. 

Hours passed, and they finally decided to leave the Comm Room to sneak back and catch some winks before continuing the charade.  The group exited into a narrow alley filled with heavily armed and armored pirates.

"Hey, those are the guys Bononas sent!.... Freeze!"

The group dropped weapons and were tied up, the Battle Droid taken back and reprogrammed. 

"Blackie, you let these guys in?"

"Yeah, they had the Hover Hauler from the outpost."

"Have we even heard from that outpost in the past few days?"

The group was roughed up pretty good and transported in the pre-dawn hours to the landing pad.

A roused pirate Captain Buarts was still pulling up his pants when he arrived to interrogate the party.  Unfortunately, there was little they could offer, and most of the time seemed to be focused on not if they should kill them, but how.  

The pirates' discussion was cut short by an Imperial Star Destroyer coming out of hyperspace and just outside the atmosphere of the moon.  
Numerous TIE fighters and shuttlecraft could be seen emerging from the Star Destroyer and streaking towards the base.

The pirates went into full panic mode and rushed to escape, but with only three vehicles, those pirates were quickly blown up by the TIEs.  

Numerous shuttles landed inside the complex, but one set down on the landing pad.  Dozens of Stormtroopers poured out of that craft and mercilessly gunned down the pirates.  A Stormtrooper NCO found the party, still tied up, confirmed they were the missing passengers from the Hyrkania, untied them, and escorted them into the shuttle.  

GM Notes: The group got away with murder, without shooting anyone.  Most of that was due to the player for "Shoot first" Evus taking the night off. 

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