
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, August 10, 2023

👽 Buckaroo Banzai for Savage Worlds

It's been 39 years since we were first blessed with the presence of The Adventures of Buckaroo Banazi Across the 8th Dimension.   A regular staple of the my Saturday afternoon HBO watching, I must admit I wasn't the fervent cult fanboy as many of my friends are.  

Statting out Buckaroo (from the movie) has been a long-term plan of mine, delayed in part of finding it on a streaming service AND getting time to watch and stat everything out.  So here's a first, full attempt at Buckaroo using the Explorer's Edition of Savage Worlds.  

Dr Buckaroo Banzai

Agility d8
Smarts d12
Strength d6
Spirit d8
Vigor d8

Charisma +4

Edges: Ace, Quick, Attractive, Charismatic, Command, Leader of Men, Jack-of-All-Trades, Gadgeteer, Followers (Team Banzai), Musical Adept, Luck

Hinderances: Arrogant (Science), Heroic, Overconfident

Driving d8
Fighting d8
Fighting (Katana) d10
Notice d8
Persuasion d6
Piloting d12
Repair d10,
Shoot d6
Stealth d8
Knowledge (Physics) d20
Knowledge (Medicine) d20
Knowledge (Weird Science) d10

If I ever get time (and perhaps time to watch the movie again), I'll give out basic stats for the Hong Kong Cavaliers and Blue Blaze Irregulars for the 40th Anniversary of the movie. 

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