
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, August 22, 2021

GURPS - Girl Genius (Prerelease PDF Edition)

Words I totally didn't think I would be writing during #RPGaDay2021: GURPS Girl Genius Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game is now available in pdf at Warehouse 23.

I'm always amused by Phil and Kaja Foglio's Girl Genius comic, so the idea of role-playing in the world was enticing.    Having it come out for GURPS makes some sense, but it's the first time I've wanted to dust off the old editions in quite some time.  

Big Disclaimer:  This is currently only for the pdf of the PRERELEASE version of the game.  Steve Jackson Games is planning on making this a Kickstarter, so watch this space for future updates!  The best news of all, for a $30 prerelease pdf,, If the comic stretch goal on the Kickstarter is unlocked, and after any minor fixes are made to the project's master files, Steve Jackson Games will update the PDF, including PDF bookmarks, at no extra charge!

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