
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

#RPGaDay2021 - Day 10 - Trust

Day 10 of #RPGaDay2021 brings up ones of those words that brings up unnecessary controversy: "TRUST."

In my advanced age, I avoid Session Zeros (it's probably intermixed in a full-blown Session One) and I tend to ignore the concept of the X-card, even if I may acknowledge its intent. 

Over the years, I regularly push envelopes with most genres, but I've had the good fortune to have a strong core group of players whom I know and should be able to push the right buttons.  

It's not perfect.  I've had a couple players not appreciate my avatar (play yourself/your variant) concept  for PCs, especially when the game is 1920's Call of Cthulhu.  A few games have inferred some very sensitive topics (inferring things is psychological horror.  Many horrible tragedies in life presented in bold and living color are used for slasher effect by GMs, and helps no one have a better experience.)  Likewise, racism, sexism, and most other -isms are inferred with vigor, and rarely do I need to do more to invoke a "yep, he's a bigot, he'll die at the right time" knowing nod. 

Currently, the worst thing about my Star Wars d6 game is the that race relations between everyone seems akin to elf/dwarf encounters in D&D.  

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