
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, August 16, 2021

#RPGaDay2021 - Day 16 - That Damned Laroc Sniksab

Day 16 of #RPGaDay2021 and the main topic hints with irony.  Although being the topic I think I've delved into the most this month, "MOVE" didn't move me. 

With that in mind, I'll cover "Villain" as one of the secondaries, and the only recurring villain in my Star Wars d6 campaign, Laroc Sniksab.  

Laroc made their first appearance in the first session of the campaign,   A double cross of the crew was in order, and that set a number of things in motion to catapulted the game into its Voltunus storyline.  

Re-reading that first session, there were only two solid facts.  They wanted to screw over Exotic Animal Broker Ne'vets Aharo, and their gender was undefined.  

Fifty sessions later, the crew returned to Telos-3, and how should make good ol' Laroc, the first returning NPC of any import. Another negotiation, another double-cross, except this time I'm picking up the pieces of the group fighting back.   

Where do I grab a generic back-stabber.  Well, when you have a Exotic Animal Broker during the Age of COVID, you fear you might build up a Tiger King theme, and Laroc Sniksab is Carol Baskin reversed.  Perhaps they killed their spouse, we've barely scratched the surface, but I have a feeling, that in the face of the latest deal gone bad, Laroc might be out for blood.

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