
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

#RPGaDay2021 - Day 4 - Wookie of Mass Destruction

Day 4 of #RPGaDay2021 and WEAPON is our first word of the day.  

While I could pull up some D&D reference or some Starblazers-esque BFG, my most recent experience with on overpowered weapon was my Star Wars d6 games and Frokazza the Wookie.

Frokazza is a run-of-the-mill Wookie in West End Games' d6 Star Wars.  The co-pilot of any ship that Ne'vets Aharo is using, he and pilot Tarrie Prolek are an inseparable duo.  

In the early moments of the campaign, I used the Star Frontier module Crash on Voltunus.  In it, the PCs are effectively railroaded to an escape pod on a space liner during a "nighttime" pirate attack.  I successfully roused the group from their slumber, but their attempt to obtain weapons and try to maintain a safe position on board was quickly accelerated with the addition of the Wookie.  The first few pirates either had a death wish, or were already too close, and as Frokazza closed in, the party learned how melee worked in d6 with a brutal display of sheer power from the Wookie.  

The second wave of pirates wisely concentrated fire on the Wookie, and managed to knock him out, but not before his brutal rage helped eliminate a number of pirates, and get the PCs weapons.  

Two fun facts:  

(1) In over a year of sessions, I believe this was the only time Frokazza's been locked in melee.  After that first combat, I've come to realize that any sentient race of being in the galaxy knows better than to get within arm's reach of a Wookie.

(2) He does get a moment later on to be a DJ, during a pivotal moment of the campaign.  

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