
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

(Star Wars d6) #15 - Botajef Reunion

Our "Heroes"

Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise
Evus - Twi'lek former mercenary, Ne'vets' armed muscle with a tendency to shoot first.
Tarrie - Human pilot "under contract" for the upcoming mission, whatever that is.
Frokazza -Wookie co-pilot, mechanic, and unarmed muscle. Very distrustful.

Free at Last!
After crash landing on a forgotten moon,
Rescued by an Imperial Destroyer, 
And the Survivor of a traumatic
Ambush of a Botajef Customs Station, 
Our Heroes desperately search for down time
But what about those searching for them?...

After the incident at Botajef Customs House 7, the group found a SpaceHostel, cleaned up, and found a buyer for two of the blaster rifles.  A little smooth talking (and the impeccable credentials Fisko had created) netted them higher resale value with the first weapons dealer they crossed path with.

It was time to find a decent cantina to wind down.

They settled into the Osana Asu Cantina, a rather upscale club compared to their usual stomping grounds.  Food was ordered, drinks flowed, and everyone toasted to their luck on even the worst of adventures, except for that time they were banned from Yavin IV.

"Yes, and that is why you're not allowed on Yavin IV or any of its moons.  Right, Tarrie?"

They looked up, and standing right behind Tarrie was a woman in her early 30's an unmarked miltary shirt with a black t-shirt underneath.

It was Latorna Savvn, Tarrie's older sister.
Latorna Savvn
Everyone  knew of Latorna, so it was only proper for Ne'vets to offer her a drink.  Latorna accepted and sat down.

They caught up quickly.  Latorna was working capital ship escort duty in her Y-Wing,

She took a quick final swig of her drink, looked at her holowatch, and bid everyone a hasty adieu.

The group regained their senses for the sudden appearance of Latorna and plotted their plans for the days until Abel arrived.  Drinking and eating non-ration food and some potential starship shopping were in order...

Tarrie exhaled slowly and felt relieved from his family reunion, "We have a chance to finally have things turn around fo...."


An explosion rocked the interior of the cantina.  The group ducked down, but somehow they were in the right booth with just enough protection from blast.  A nick, a scrape, perhaps, but more smoke damage than anything.

They staggered out of the cantina and into the street, witnesses were running up and down the street screaming, a few braver individuals running into the building with thick gray smoke billowing out.

Perhaps Latorna's advice to stiff the cantina on the bill was perhaps a subtle hint.  She had an interest in demolitions, after all.

Confusion reigned supreme, but Evus, Evus picked up a Latorna with his laser sights, a block down the street.  The followed at quick and had made up a half-block distance, when they saw her enter a Jawa Juice, and fifteen seconds later emerge again and cross the street.


Ten seconds later the another explosion ripped through the Jawa Juice, possibly killing more civilians inside, and filling the streets with smoke.

They lost sight of Lortana for a moment, but as they turned the corner of a building a small plaza opened up, and there she was, tinkering with an automatic credit dispenser.   While the crowds gathered across the street, she ripped off the cover of the machines and began inserting wires.

Evus walked up and simply tried to grab her by the shoulder "What do you think you're doing."

Without pause, she turned around swinging wildly, but on point, knocking the Twi'lek out cold.

The others came to Evus' aid.  Latorna could just shrug her shoulders.

"Somebody pick him up.  Get him out of the way, I'm trying to do something here..."

The Wookie grabbed Evus.

"And you boys should get away from the front, it's going to blow."


The front of the machine exploded, scattering the massing crowd.  The central piece of the credit dispenser fell out of the remaining frame, still attached to some outside wires, and Lortana dragged it to her.   She packed it up in a sack, and dashed into the crowd.

Three of the group could just stare at Tarrie for an explanation.

"She's adopted."

Evus still had his sights on her and they managed to catch up after she dove into an alleyway.  They were quickly met by a blaster, and Latorna behind it.

"I'm trying to finish a job.  Here, Tarrie, take this. I'll see you guys when I see you.  Just don't do that thing you did on Yavin IV."

"I need to go.  You can follow me all you want, but you'll get us all caught."
  And with that she ran off.

Inside the bag his sister handed him, Tarrie could only see credits.... about 10,000 Imperial Credits to be exact.

With alarms, sirens, and planetary security companies getting closer, the group decided to continue to pursue Latorna.   Evus' keen eye was no longer as good as it had been, but they did get to the nearest hanger terminal and found her as her old, battered Y-Wing was leaving the hanger.  Evus only caught a look from the pilot, but Ne'vets could spot the one peace of damning evidence for all her acts: the  markings on her helmet aligned her with one of the numerous rebel movements in the galaxy.

Credits in hand, the group decided to search out some starship dealers, specifically the "Small A-9" dealers.  Ships they were inquiring into started around 18,000 but newer ships more suited to their needs were closer to 80k.  Stock Small A-9s started at 120k.

Back at the their StarHostel, Abel Norrum contacted them again.  Transportation was arranged with The Lisani to pick them up at Landing Pad L-15 in four days.

They had four days to NOT get into trouble...

Next: #16 - Lesiure and the Lisani

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