
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

#RPGaDay2021 - A Retrospective

 Another 31 days down, another #RPGaDay is in the books.

There's three reasons why a blogger would jump onto a community based event like this:
  • a) It's fun
  • b) It's a community effort to help enhance readership, and hopefully, daily followers. 
  • c) Discover other interesting folks in the hobby.
I know I was overwhelmed with outside influences to complete this year's project to my satisfaction.  I hate scurrying around at the last minute to simply think of a concept, much less write one up.  

With a year full of thoughts about my Star Wars d6 Campaign, I figured I had a little extra in the brainstorming tank, but when push came to shove, it was only really good for a dozen or so days.

As a consumer of the medium, I already watch enough videos on the internet.  Perhaps I'm an old fuddy-duddy, but I'd prefer to read ideas and opinions.  And as much as it's an event about community, I rarely pick up some extra reading.  "Bat" Brewster's Blog and Ken Newquist's NukeTown blog were doing a great job keeping up, and a big shout out to Tim at Tim's Miniature Wargaming blog, who always gives the campaign the ol' college try.  It's never close to completion, but I enjoy reading he one of his entries, especially when he took a crack at all four word prompts on a given day.  Bravo!  His board game and miniature painting ain't too shabby either.

As a participant in the process, I'll continue to sound like a broken record.  The single word topics are now interesting interpretations, with a few true gems mixed in,   I'd much rather go back to some of the Year 1-3 questions, far more open and inclusive than the current prompts.  I'm hoping they're rehashed for year 10, but I'd be even happier if we got them next year.  
Year Over Year, the page views have declined, but it's still fun.

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