
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

(Star Wars d6) #18 - Mission to Alcazzar

Our "Heroes"

Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise.  Teaming up with ally and friendly rival Abel Norrum for some exploration.
Evus - Twi'lek former mercenary, Ne'vets' armed muscle with a keen eye and a tendency to shoot first.
Tarrie - Human pilot "under contract" for the upcoming mission, whatever that is.  Brother of potential terrorist, rebel  Latorna Savvn.
Frokazza - Wookie co-pilot, mechanic, and unarmed muscle. Very distrustful.

Mission to Alcazzar
Reunited with dear friend and 
Big Game Hunter Abel Norrum, 
Their team must team-up with 
Abel's team and investigate 
the planet Alcazzar for '
Intelligent life, both native,
And tresspassing.

Coming out of hyperspace, Abel called a meeting review that data that the Lisani Corp had provided him.

Alcazzar was a cataloged but unexplored planet.  Earlier probes from the Lisani Corporation proved it to be rich in minerals, so it was the job of this expedition to go down to the surface, explore wildlife, sentient life, and trespassing life, report the former and eliminate the latter.

Ne'vets was the first to notice the ice shelf stretching from pole to pole.  The planet slowly rotated, so winter slowly crept around the planet.  Luckily the areas of concern to Abel were a full six months away from the encroaching cold and darkness.

The Big Game landed and the the teams were split in accordingly in the brand new All-Terrain Vehicles Abel had purchased.  

Vehicle 1
Driver - Sarge 
Shotgun - Abel
Backseat - Ringel
Turret - Yast

Vehicle 2
Driver - Tarrie
Shogun - Ne'vets
Backseat - Evus
Turret - Frokazza.  

Destination: Square shaped formation twenty clicks out. 
Moving from the plains into the forest, travel was pretty uneventful with a few small herds of mammals grazing far off in the distance. 

Moving into the Forest, these 100 meter tall trees kept things dark under the canopy, and grew pretty close to each other, but it also kept the forest floor clean.  There was no need to break out the vibro-saws to clear a path, but navigation was slow going.  

An hour into the journey, Sarge had to pee, so the caravan stopped.  A couple decided to wander around.  Ringel specifically grabbed his blaster rifle and venture into a nearby clearing to look for game.  

Outside of the gigantic trees, there wasn't much in this area to investigate, until Ne'vets notice a hill... moving.  Adjusting his binoculars, that hill turned out to be a bear, 12 meters at the shoulder, slowly waking up a few hundred meters away. 

He was slowly in the process of alerting Abel, who was right nearby, when screams came from the clearing.  Ringel was attacked from above! Winged dog creatures were swooping down to attack him.  Only a few trusty blaster shots kept him from getting seriously hurt, but we was already on the ground and bleeding.  Sarge and Evus ran over to recover Ringel and pull him back into the woodline.  Tarrie jumped back into his ATV and drove it over for added cover from the clearing and the diving flying dogs.  

The ensuing gunfire into the flocks of those creatures was enough to get the giant bear's attention.  As it moved closer, Abel and Ne'vets dove into their ATV, while Yast unloaded onto the beast with the repeating blaster on the turret.  

The giant animal seemed non-plussed by the Yazirian's weapons.

Abel crawled into the driver's seat and made a shocking discovery.  Sarge (their driver) had taken the key fob for the vehicle, and he was 100 meters away.  

With a loud *THWUMP* the bear swatted at the ATV sending it spinning.  Tarrie had crawled out to tend for Ringel, but the rest picked up arms against the monster.   Even Yast firing the repeating blaster on the turret directly into the creature's mouth, there was little response from the beast, except for more anger.  

The creature kept swatting at Abel's ATV, amid his screams on the coms for "Where are the kriffing keys?????"

Sarge pulled up into the other ATV and drove quickly back to Abel.  A window rolled down and a set of key fobs flew from one window to the other.  Problem solved.  With that, Yast's firing was finally affecting the beast and it turned away.  

Engines roaring, Abel peeled out of the woods and across the clearing, Yast firing covering fire in all directions.  Sarge spun his ATV around and went back to pick up the others, then followed the big game hunter.  

Eight klicks until destination reached.  Piece of cake.

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