
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, October 1, 2021

My Gaming Plans for 2021-2022

As I tried to assemble my thoughts on what my goals should be for the next twelve months, I looked at at the last three or four years' worth of these posts.  I'm pretty consistent, with two or three raging successes, a few lukewarm accomplishments, and most of my disappointment with pet projects or outright pipe dreams.  And if I temper my goals with my most successful posts from last year, I think I have a good mixture of practical and pie-in-the-sky with the One Big Goal.

This year's theme will be a Return to the....

The blog will always be named Gaming with the Gnomies, so I need to continue to focus on gnomes, then everything else that tickles my fancy. 
  1. Gnomish Space Marines: The Adventure Continues:  Here's hoping year two of the GSM goes as well as year one, if not better.  Actually using the figures in a game is my secondary goal.
  2. Gnome Wars: If I can paint the GSM, my Gnome Wars figures should be a piece of cake.  I'm shooting for completing the Gnomans and one more unit. Regular small-scale skirmish/role-playing-esque games (a la Flintoque inspired scenarios) would be great as well.
  3. Star Wars d6: Let's keep the ongoing campaign the blazing success that it has been, even if I'm looking for solid evolution to a new general storyline.  Of course, the recent introduction of a new player, and a properly eccentric character, may throw all that off the rails.
  4. Pulp Alley - Tomb of the Serpent: My pulp games have some of highest traffic of all my posts, and moving from Savage Showdown to Pulp Alley and their Tomb of the Serpent campaign should bring up the page views and still be fun.  There's a lot of prep work involved, and the campaign is LONG, so wish me luck!
  5. Face to Face... with Cthulhu: Barring a disaster, we so need to return to regular face to face gaming, and Cthulhu Invictus might be enough of a change to ignite that.
  6. Looking For a Friend, at the End of the World:  Another option is running Twilight:2000 needs to be face to face, needs tangible handouts.
  7. Gaming with the Kids: Gotta try something different to keep things interesting, as we still reach back and occasionally grab a game from the library.   Still thinking Gamma World might fill that need... or moving directly into Pulp Alley.
  8. Top Secret: Spice Girls:  No, my Spice Girls project doesn't involve a security clearance.  I am going to have a little "fun" and try to stat out the Spice Girls.  I won't label this one a disappointment if it gets shelved, but I'd like it done faster than some of the Buckaroo Banzai idea I've had spinning around for years.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like fun! Looking forward to how it all plays out!

    I was thinking, if you wanted some power armoured gnomish space marines - have a look at Reaper Miniatures Space Mouslings - they are bones models, so those mouse heads could easily be carved off and replaced with gnome heads. In the case of the one wearing a helmet, you'd only need to shave down the ears...
