
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

(Kickstarter) Batteries Low, Getting Dark - A Post-Apocalyptic Adventure by Thom Wilson

 Thom Wilson is back with another piece vintage-era style RPG product

Batteries Low, Getting Dark - A Post-Apocalyptic Adventure is a low to mid-level post-apocalyptic setting, suitable for your favorite system.

The Adventure:

While traveling along an old, westbound trail, characters notice a mysterious petrified forest within sight of their latest campsite. Upon investigating, they discover a pre-war manufacturing plant amidst the tall, stone-skinned trees. Lying hidden in the forest, the facility seems to be relatively untouched since the great wars. If the characters can find a way in, they are sure to find vast, untold resources within...

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