
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Mandatory Basketball Rant 2021-22 - Week 4

 Thankfully, the holidays allow for a calm before the storm of games starting on 1/8/2022.

Rec League:  Only the Middle School/High School Division, which plays at the local community college, has any games over the holiday break.  Those are on Sundays, and it's all the President of the league's responsibility.  Thank God.   If he can get the t-shirts squared away for the whole league, that would make things easier when things go into full swing on January 3rd. 

Millie:   (a) Millie's Rec League team pulled through a shaky start to beat a team badly, 26-6.  Millie either had the points or an assist the shots she didn't take. (b) The AAU League played against an entire team of girls from Wilkes-Barre, if not the future Jr High squad.  It was a 32-2 drubbing where the last 12 points were focused on getting the new girls open shots.   (c) The travel team felt some opposition from one of the local Catholic schools, but it was short lived.  A six player squad, with one new addition, managed a 28-13 win, with only two points allowed in the 2nd half.  

All her league's are now on hiatus, with the exception of the travel team, which figured out practices between Christmas and New Year's.  The competition gets tougher in 2022, worst case, she's prepping the crew for AAU this Spring.

Maja: With no 7th/8th grade games, thanks to COVID, the entire focus of the week was on a Pre-Christmas Freshmen game against Nanticoke, but Santa had an extra gift for the team, a second game even closer to Christmas against Hanover Area.

The girls from Nanticoke come from a great local rec league there, and they came out swinging.   At the half, Maja's team was down 7, but thanks to some solid gameplan changes by the coach, they came out roaring out of the gate in the second half.  They got the other team in foul trouble early (like Bonus five minutes into the 3rd Quarter and won in commanding fashion 41-34 (a 14 point swing).  

It was largely the 8th graders game, but Maja got plenty of playing time, and more time than some of the upperclassmen in that 2nd half.   2 points, 1 rebound, 1 assist, 2 steals.

The second game wasn't nearly as difficult.  Underclassmen dominated their roster as well, but these girls did not stand a chance, even with a depleted roster.  

26-0 at halftime, 47-1 at the buzzer.   Maja 3 points, 2 rebounds, 0 assists, at least 3 steals.  She's shooting 50%, doing everything she's supposed to do, without giving up points or turnovers.   Since most of these girls are playing 7th grade, I pray for those teams in two weeks when Saturday Jr High games resume.

3rd/4th Grade Boys Team:   I've officially turned them over to their true head coach.   I may come back for a practice or two, but I wish them well.  

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