
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

(Star Wars d6) Bo'non'as and Oopsa #2 - The Four Space Gods of the Apocalypse

With the arrival of the prophetic
Space Gods, Bo'Non'as has put himself
in the position to become the 
Warlord of the Kurabanda.

With his trusted companion Oopsa, 
the philosophical musings of 
the shaman, Boz Diggity, and 
the potential Chosen One in young Dipsa, 
What adventures could possibly happen 
on the third day of Bo'Non'as' rule?

On the third day of the prophetic arrival of the Space Gods in their wedge-shaped chariot of death...

With armies being prepared for the imminent invasion of the hated Ul-Mor, the wedge shaped chariot of death disappeared from the skies of Volturnus.  All the little flies flying around the God Wedge disappeared as well.

Three things have changed with God Wedge disappearing:
  • The Kurabanda Tribe of Bo'Non'as dropped to one-fifth its original size.  The others have left to other location.
  • Bo'Non'as appointed Oopsa has the Warlord's Senior Advisor.
  • The tribe controlled 90% of the original foodstocks of Plantains and Potass, but only have 20% of the water.
With the remaining tribespeople in a panic they ran to the throne of the Warlord of the Kurabanda
On the right side of the throne was Oopsa, sling shot in hand.
On the left side was a disgruntled four year old female Kurabanba named Dipsa.

In between them sat the Great Bo'Non'as, one leg draped over the arm of the throne, collectively contemplating a primitive paddle ball and how it worked.
NOT the improper posture of Bo'Non'as
One of the Warlord's most trusted soldiers, Kami, arrived in front of him with grievous injuries.

"Great Bo'Non'as, we are under attack!"

"Who are they."

"They are other Kurabanda. They are trying to steal our Plantains and Potass. They have come from the north."

Bo'Non'as and Oopsa lept into action, leading different arms of their military.   Bo'Non'as led the infantry into the fracas, while Oopsa led the elderly, young, and infirm in the slingshot legion "Pebbles from Heaven."

The attacking Kurabanda had infiltrated the food silos up in the trees, their faces and arms were painted red.

The fighting was tremendous, but the invaders managed to retreat with only a small cache of foods.

Luckily, they were able to capture four of them.  Bo'Non'as personally interrogated them.

"Who sent you?

"The Space God!"

"What Space God do you speak of."

"The Lightning God has come down from Space.  He is one of the Four Space Gods of the Apocalypse...."

Bo'Non'as and Oopsa discussed the punishment to the four...

"It is treason, great Warlord, perhaps we should..."

"Stuff them with Plantains and Potass until they explode, and return the bodies to the north?"

So they did.

The duo then looked for the great shaman, Boz Diggity, but ran into the Kurabanda Rain Dancer, Mida Wap.

"Rain Dancer, you must work harder, we need rain for water."

"I'm working my ass off, Warlord!"

"You ass is still quite large, work harder!  I shall leave to recover water from the streams to the south."

Bo'Non'as assembled his trusted team, Oopsa, the strong Adi'das, Mida Wap, and two the professional porters, Uha'ul and Pens'kay and their ingenious water cart.

When reaching the stream, Oopsa ordered the porters to fill their carts.  A shimmering green image of a Kurabanda appeared over the water.  With flowing rags, it emitted low moans and frightened many from the tribe.
The Ghost of the Stream.
Everyone was quite shocked, but it was Oopsa who noticed others flanking the mission. Blue faced Kurabanda.

"We're getting flanked!"

The entire crew hastily got the water carts from the streams.  Bo'Non'as and Oopsa defended the water and the haulers to get them out, with only a scare, but nary a scratch.

Returning to the village, the Uha'ul and Pens'kay was immediately talkative.  "Oh my, we encountered the angry ghosts of our ancestors!"

Dipsa was simply petrified at the thought of ghosts to the south, since she was only four years old.

Bo'Non'as tried to appease his frightened people.  "We had an unfriendly encounter with the Blue Tribe."

"Waitaminute, there's a Blue Tribe?  and a Red Tribe?  We need a color too!"

So, using the voice of his people, Bo'Non'as declared their tribe to be the Yellow Tribe, the bravest of them all.  Warriors would paint their faces with ripened Plantain and Potass, as well as a long streak of yellow down their back.  That way, they could know who was their ally! 

Oopsa led campaign to collect the yellow flowers and Potass to have enough dye to paint the Kurabanda warriors.  "We can mix the yellow with other colors on the face paint so we can be Ultimate Warriors!"

Day Four of the Rule of Bo'Non'as, Warlord of the Kurabanda
Water supplies continued to run low, but the range of the new Yellowback Tribe could only go so far with the water carts.  Looking for guidance, Bo'Non'as searched out the great shaman, Boz Diggity. 

"Boz, what help do you have with the water?"

"If a Kurabanda woman is with child, she is a sub-marine." 

"What?  Use pregnant females to collect water."

"If we send pregnant women into the water, two will be doing the work."

Oopsa arranged with the military for a perimeter defense system, using nothing more than Plantain and Potass peels.

A quick check with Mida Wap produced no further results with her rain dance.  A tired people went to bed.

In the middle of the night, the few guards alerted the exhausted villagers of an attack from the west. 

"The peels!  They worked!"

Adi'das reported back that the peel defense did work, largely throwing the Green Kurabanda attackers off their plan. 

Everyone again clamored to Bo'Non'as looking for guidance.

"Our perimeter controls worked!  We have to prepare for the next attack!"

The Yellowbacks relieved their guards, and everyone was reassured.  Mida Wap proudly proclaimed, "Bo'Non'as is our one true leader.  In fact he has the mark of the gods on his forehead."

Bo'Non'as swiped his brow, feeling nothing, but Oopsa could see a bright red dot of  light sitting upon the center of his forehead.  Oopsa moved Bo'Non'as head back and forth to see the light move off his forehead and back again...

A blast of energy flew past the moving head of Bo'Non'as and hit Mida Wap!

Everyone ducked for cover.  When a few looked up, they saw a lone large figure in higher trees.  He wore armor and a full helmet with two red glowing, along with a very large hairless one weapon.

Bo'Non'as, "Are you alright? The Space God nearly killed us!"

Oopsa quickly retorted, "I don't know if it was a god.  Space Gods, don't limp."

Oopsa quickly patched up Mida Wap, who in her gratitude, pledge herself to him as a bride.

"We'll do that after lunch tomorrow..."

Day Five of the Rule of Bo'Non'as, Warlord of the Kurabanda
The wedding of Oopsa and Mida Wap! 

The Chosen One, Dipsa, conducted the service, although it was full of giggling as Mida Wap's father walked her down the aisle, and he was shorter than the four-year old. 

The reception was a great celebration, with Hairy Fashon and Bongo playing the music, until the ancient Kurabanda tradition of whoever looked under their log and found the stinky fish to win the centerpieces.  When everyone sat back up, the Gold Kurabanda attacked with axes!

"Death from above!" they cried. 

Oopsa lost his shit, and promptly threw it in the face of one of the Gold warriors. 

Amidst the fighting, Bo'Non'as could see four Kurabanda flying into the reception on strange metal contraptions.  They threw spears, slaying more of the Yellowbacks, and badly injuring Penskay and Asfalt.

Before the perimeter guards could return as reinforcements, a great blow was dealt to the Yellowbacks, Oopsa and Mida Wap escaped the Gold Kurabanda's grasp, but others were not as lucky.  Bombs dropped from the metal contraptions, killing even more.   Tarmak and Boojet died, Bongo lost an arm.

Day Six of the Rule of Bo'Non'as, Warlord of the Kurabanda
Bo'Non'as  had lost control of the tribe even before the Plantain cake had been served.  The Gold Kurabanda simply had armor that was too tough to get through, and the Space God to the East resembled a MachineMan.

Dejected, he announced that four-year old Dipsa was now the Chosen One and true Warlord of the Kurabanda Yellowbacks.   Everyone agreed, and Oopsa offered his services as Senior Advisor to the new Warlord.

Oopsa, Senior Advisor, Recent Newlywed

Day One of the Rule of Dipsa, Warlord of the Kurabanda
With the four Space Gods surrounding the Yellowback village, Bo'Non'as decided to venture north to encounter the Lightning Space God.  The water porter Uha'ul accompanied him, wishing revenge on his fallen cousins.

In leaving, Boz Diggity gave sage advice, "We cannot see what the future is, my friends, but I tell you this, the worst thing to read in braille is Do Not Touch."

"What's braille?" asked Bo'Non'as?

"What's reading?" asked Oopsa.

...and with that, Bo'Non'as and Uha'ul left for the north.

Next #3 - Bo'non'as and Oopsa - Against the Lightning God

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