
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, December 17, 2021

There's a Reason I Do My End-of-Year in September...

Even though I'll link my End of Year Gaming Review, I don't necessarily do it for views.  After years of tracking stuff Oct-Sept, there's no reason to change now.

And if I did Jan-Dec, I sure as heck would at least prime my figures in the photos and not leave them on the sprue.  

And there's not much change if I had waited three months, including my plans for 2021-22.  Work, the Kid's basketball, and life in general have been insane.   With my boss leaving for greener pastures, and limited help with the local rec league, I'm wiped, and have been relying on published material and the player tangents to keep things interesting the in the Star Wars campaign.   I have a few small projects to restart the painting bench, but we'll play that by ear.  

On a good note, we nearly cancelled this week's Star Wars game for collective sheer exhaustion, but with the three players that stayed on the Skype chat, we cobbled together a quick game of Coffee Shop, involving a FedEx Kinko's, the in-store delivery of a customer's baby, triple-sided packing tape, an oddly racist wall decal of a Cambodian cartoon giraffe, and Hoagiefest being a larger cash grab than usual.  Don't think that one-shot is getting a write-up, but it did allow me some time to cobble together the "LifeDay" stats and send them to everyone.  

Project 350:  It's almost two months since my last update on the futile quests to reduce all my blog post drafts and scheduled blog postings to under 350 total.   We've pushed through the first wave of holiday posts and shrank to 469 (317 drafts /152 scheduled), down from 476 (314/162).  I've only managed to write up one of the last eight Star Wars episodes, and I see the Star Wars holiday session, a Christmas-themed wargame, and maybe a zombie game in our future.... and Christmas is a week away.  

Pray for me. 

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