
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, January 9, 2022

(AD&D 2nd Edition) Skaverit Claybottom - 1st Level Halfling Thief - #charactercreationchallenge - Day 9

We'll knock out the easy ones for the #CharacterCreationChallenge this weekend, working down the shelf the 2nd Edition AD&D: 

Skaverit Claybottom   1st Level Halfling Thief
Height:  3'2"    Weight: 61 lbs  Age: 24
Alignment: Neutral Good
Strength        8
Intelligence  11
Wisdom        10
Dexterity      14
Constitution  13
Charisma      12

Hit Points:   6 

Armor Class: 8

Thieves' Skills
Pick Pockets                     20%
Open Locks                      45%
Find/Remove Traps          10%
Move Silently                   20%
Hide in Shadows               20%
Detect Noise                      20%
Climb Walls                       65%
Read Languages                   5%

Weapon Proficiencies
Short Sword
Short Bow

Secondary Skill:  Animal Handling

Non-Weapon Proficiencies
Animal Handling   (Wisdom -1)
Riding, Land Based (Wisdom +3)
Rope Use (Dexterity +1)

Leather Armor 
Short Sword (1d6/1d8)
Short Bow 2/1  Range 5/10/15   
24x Flight Arrows (1d6/1d6)
10gp worth of adventurer supplies, including a latern and oil
First posted here

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