
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, January 13, 2022

(Call of Cthulhu 6th) Samuel Silfkin, Undertaker - #CharacterCreationChallenge - Day 13

Despite suffering through all the long, lean years of Chaosium, I didn't bite the bullet on 7th Edition.  My brain's hardwired to 1st-6th, so much that I reverse engineer stats when I play in con games, and I intuitively know the resistance table like I know the THAC0 progressions for AD&D.

That being said, with a little help from Volume 2 of the Investigator's Companion, I present Samuel  Silfkin.

Samuel Silfkin, Undertaker
Height: 5'8"  Weight 159lbs  Age 26

STR 12
CON 12
POW 12 
DEX 10
APP 12
SIZ 15
INT 14
EDU 15 

Luck - 60
Idea - 70
Know - 75


Sanity: 60

+1D4 Damage Bonus

Skills: Accounting 60%, Bargain 35%, Biology 61%, Credit Rating, 60%, Disguise 41%, Dodge 20%, Listen 50%, Persuade 30% , Psychology 45%, Spot Hidden 50%, Shotgun 50%, Handgun 25%

Undertaker is like lawyer in CoC, it would make sense to have one in your party of investigators, but it may make things a little less fun.  

Samuel was a bright student who became an apprentice to a local undertaker, Gordon Peterson.  When the undertaker passed away unexpectantly, Samuel took responsibility for the operations, as well as Peterson's two older sisters who had lived with the single man.    

Taking on all job duties has been eye-opening.  Some folks have not realized of Peterson's passing, and there have been odd knowing nods and comments that simply must mean something.  

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