
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, January 2, 2022

(Hackmaster) - Magni Drakebelly - Dwarf Cleric - #CharacterCreationChallenge - Day 2

I went rules minimalist with Day 1 of the #CharacterCreationChallenge , for Day 2 I figured we go all out with complications:  Hackmaster 4th Edition (re: the "joke" edition.)  

Contrary to the silly sounding skills, goofy monsters, exploding dice, and Gary-speak turned up to 11 in the books, Hackmaster (2001) is a completely playable system.  Oh, there's bookkeeping that's hand waved in more "modern" system, but they've been known to bore me as well. 

While Hackmaster is my fantasy game of choice, and one day I will resurrect my old Burning Trogs campaign to right a few wrongs that we left hanging, it's simply not something I can fully utilize in either my short Monday night games, or a once a month mega-gathering face-to-face, whenever we can start those up again.

Here's a Hackmaster Character, thrown together in a little more than an hour.

Magni Drakebelly - 1st Level Male Dwarf Cleric of Berronar Truesilver
Age: 63, Height: 4'3"  Weight 152 lbs. Right Handed
Background:  ULC Family, Legitimate Birth, Loving Parents, Honorable Family, Only Child

Strength         13/16
Dexterity        12/34
Constitution   16/11
Intelligence    12/84
Wisdom         15/14
Charisma       10/25
Comeliness     8/13
Honor             14  (d3 Honor Die)
Hit Points:     27
Armor Class:  5
Money 12 gp
Disadvantages:   Migraines, Chronic Nightmares, Clingy
Talents: Warhammer Bonus
Weapon Proficiency: Warhammer, Mace
Skills: Assaying/Surveying Tools 21%, Cooking 16%, Divine Lore 27%, History/Local 24%, Poetry/Writing 41%, Read/Write Dwarven 26%, Religion 79%, Rope Use 15%
Armor Maintenance, Maintenance /Upkeep, Shaving/Grooming, Weapon Maintenance, 
Equipment: Holy Symbol (Iron), Studded Leather Armor, Small Shield, Warhammer, 20gp worth of personal writing supplies, Robe.

Magni was the only child born to a loving family of unskilled laborers.  Put to work early, his parents had bigger dreams for him, constantly trying to give him to some Dwarf Lord to learn a skilled trade, be an assistant, heck even join the military early. 

Being general laborers on the outskirts of the Skyforge Kingdom meant being among the most vulnerable to attacks.  Mercadian brigands from the surface were the first to destroy a settlement they lived in, then came the Drow, and even the Wizard Princes of Emron have been known to slum underground for some twisted reason.  Luckily, the small family survived, but they lost many friends along the way.  

Not that Magni survived the attacks unscathed.  Kicks to the head while feigning death have lead to bouts of horrible migraines, and the horrors he witnessed have forced some terrifying nightmares.  

Those were enough to keep him out of the military, but the priesthood was far more welcoming.  He became an Acolyte of Berronar Truesilver, the Dwarven God of Safety.  He performed well in his studies, but his PTSD issues prevented him from thriving within a religious trade, or tending to a flock of his own followers.  Instead, he was given a solo position, manning the old Gaticord Monastery near the now-closed Black Notch.   Gaticord is a safe haven for weary travelers still looking for old legends of the Underdark, as well as a warning system, in case some hated enemies have managed to unseal the tunnels.

Magni has performed well, spending his (good) days reading and writing poetry.  He has become quite lonely at times, and will cling onto visitors, adventurers, etc who come by.  It's been months since he's seen someone, and if they appear legit, he may just abandon his post to help them out.

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