
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

(Star Wars d6) Bo'non'as, Warlord of the Kurabanda - #charactercreationchallenge - Day 4

For Day 4 of the #CharacterCreationChallenge, is a shift in gears from the main "make up a new character for every game" schtick.  Let's talk about an NPC that I forced onto the players as a PC, that turned into a side campaign.  

Star Wars d6 has been my group's game of choice for the past two years.  It's a motley merchant campaign with a healthy mixture of Star Frontiers and Traveller material.  

The crew first suffered through the Volturnus series, ultimately escaping the desert and encountering a race of tree dwelling monkey-men called the Kurabanda.  The Kurabanda agreed to safe passage to a location of a human pirate outpost.  They provided the crew two non-descript Kurabanda scouts, who the party named Bo'Non'as and Oopsa.  

The crew infiltrated the outpost, and stole a vehicle to get to their next location.  As we wrapped up their arrival at the pirate "city," I realized that it was a perfect opportunity to role-play the Kurabanda still waiting outside the outpost.  

After some Waiting for Godot like moments, they finally killed a lizard steed the PCs were using, and the subsequent fire to cook it attracted the pirate bad guys the PCs had initially waylayed.   Bo'Non'as and Oopsa escaped, and as they returned to the village, Oopsa asked what they were to tell the leaders.

Bo'Non'as went stonefaced, "We tell no one!"

A great way to end the session, but after a few weeks, and only two players making an appearance, it was time to break out Bo'Non'as and Oopsa for a mini-campaign to deal with the fallout of the PCs actions on Volturnus! (That mini-campaign's first actual play posted this morning.)

I'm only listing the skills that got increases over the course of the campaign.  Not bad for a nameless/statless NPC that got taken over by the players.

Bo'Non'as - Warlord of the Kurbanda
3'6" 65 lbs - Brown fur with tufts of white/tan. 14 years old

Dexterity 3D
Melee Parry 3D+1

Perception 3D
Command  3D+1

Knowledge 2D
Bureaucracy 2D+1
Languages  2D+2

Strength 2D+2
Brawling  3D
Climbing 3D
Stamina 3D

Mechanical 1D+2

Technical 1D+1

Equipment: Spear (Easy, STR +2D), Machete (Moderate, STR +2D)
To be honest, there's very little character creation with the Kurabanda NPCs turned PCs. I believe I allowed one pip on one skill to allow differences between them, and I continued that as a rotating cast of characters popped in and out of the campaign.  All the improvements were spent character points during play.  

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