
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, January 3, 2022

(Talislanta) - Braugghu - 1st Level Moorg-Wan Shaman - #CharacterCreationChallenge - Day 3

Day 3 of the #CharacterCreationChallenge and I'm working my way down the bookshelf to the next system:  Talislanta.  Through multiple decades and even more publishers, this remains one of my favorite systems, both for its exotic setting, and its simple system.

I've usually relegated my play in Talislanta to the Seven Kingdoms, the Western Lands, and an occasional venture into the Wilderlands.  Using the 3rd Edition Wizards of the Coast printing, I randomly rolled up an archetype to use, and that opened up a corner of the world I completely forgot exsisted.

Braugghu 1st Level Moorg-Wan Shaman
Height: 6'4" Weight: 400 lbs, Large folds of Brown Skin, Four Legs, Toad-like feature, webbed and and clawed hands and feet.
INT -1
WIL  0
STR +2
CON +1
PER -1 
DEX -2
SPD +2 (in mud or water, -2 on dry land)
Base Combat Rating:   -1
Base Magic Rating:  0
Hit Points: 19
Special Ability: Amphibious, can strike with tail and claws for 1d8 damage each.  Can use simultaneously while being attacked from behind.  Skin provide 1 point of armor.  +5 on rolls to resist being tripped, knocked off balance, forced back, etc.
Skills:  Secondary combat (-1), Rudimentary Magic (Shamanism) (0)  Language: Mud People (0), Language: Sign (0), Ambush (0), Hide (0), Command (+1)
Equipment: Thorn dagger, sack with cord .
Wealth:  Amber and violet pearls worth 100 gold lumens.

The Moorg-Wan are a crude, brutish people, relegated to the swamps of the Wild Coast.  If left to there own devices, they would be content to rarely interact with other sentient races.  

But the scaly ones keep violating your swamp, killing the young and taking the lesser warriors.  You can't speak the scaly ones' language, but you are beginning to understand one word in particular, SLAVE.  You know that's what they use to describe the warriors they kidnap, and you've realized that whatever that means, it simply can't be good. 

You were recruited at a young age to become one of the shaman of the Moorg-Wan.  You were the an advisor and leader within the community, using the powers bestowed upon you by your god, Moorg, to bless the Moorg-Wan anyway you can.  

But the other leaders, the elders, the high shaman, even the the hunting party leaders, don't understand how bad this SLAVE word is to the whole tribe.  The tribe is already defenseless against some of the attacks, but without the warriors, you stand no chance.  

You have decided to take measures into your own hands and fight the scaly ones head on.  Moorg has blessed you with the ability to be well-like and respected by all, and you have used that advantage to recruit smarter Moorg-Wan, and a few stronger ones to hunt down the scaly ones and ambush them, either before the attack, or after the raid.  It hasn't been easy, and you may have lost as many Moorg-Wan as the scaly ones would have captured, but with your limited understanding, it is better to live and die within the swamps than live and die as a slave.  

While your loyal Moorg-Wan who have survived have grown stronger and wiser, you already worry about the future.  If the scaly ones are not scared off by your actions, perhaps they will bring more and stronger members of their tribe to crush you once and for all....

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