
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, January 1, 2022

(TWERPS) Veronica Black - Silver Haired Secret Agent - #CharacterCreationChallenge - Day 1

For the first day of the #CharacterCreationChallenge, I knew I was going to go light, using TWERPS, due to the time constraints and the desire to show how a minimalist system, despite allowing all those wonderful puns, can still be used effectively, even if there is only one stat (Strength).  Throw in a worldwide tragedy yesterday, and I had my inspiration for the first character.  

Veronica Black 

Secret Agent - Allowed to carry gun and a badge and "invoke authority"
Archeologist - +2 to rolls involving knowledge of obscure artifacts, legends, and rituals.

Veronica spent most of her early life working at AM radio stations, but she was recruited by T.H.E. Agency later in her life for her increasing hobbyist knowledge of the Cult of Fålo, an ancient Scandinavian pagan cult with nefarious purposes.   She was first assigned to investigate its North American base in a small town in Minnesota, and successfully thwarted a few animal sacrifice rings and the proliferation of herring-based desserts, but she also made the horrid realization that leaders were mere figureheads.  Cultists had disseminated throughout the United States into major cities like  Portland, Maine,  Endi, Oklahoma, and Miami, Florida.

Posing as a Midwest widower trying to establish a late career, she was transferred to Miami to uncover how deep the cult has infiltrated that sleepy little town.  She's staying with three other older women, all trying to find a new place in Miami.  What Veronica and two of the other women don't know is that they are all agents on assignment for T.H.E Agency, possibly on conflicting mission.  Only the fourth woman in the house, their secret handler, knows everything that's going on.

Yeah, I went there.  Veronica is built using skills/professions out of the The T.W.E.R.P.S. Files supplement.  The closest thing to min/maxing in TWERPS is that if everyone takes the same profession as their free "skill," then are allowed to take a second profession for free as well (each further profession reduces the Strength stat by one). 

Given she lives in a house of women her age, it just makes sense that they're all agents as well.   It would make sense the Gray Duffay, the owner of the home who initially advertised for roommates, would be the handler, although I'd love to have the diminutive Cecily be the mastermind behind it all.  First off, it could bring reasons why Shady Pines burned down to begin with, but she also could have a voice activated safe in her room.  Password:  "Picture This, Cecily, 1942...."

It is TWERPS after all, gotta get the fun worldplay in someway or another. 

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