
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, February 18, 2022

(Kickstarter) Dungeon Crawl Classics 100: Music of the Spheres is Chaos

I have been wildly appreciative of Goodman Games since the took the original d20 OGL and cranked out a wide variety of D&D 3e under the "Dungeon Crawl Classics" moniker.   Expanding into 4e ultimately in their own Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG, they have proven very successful at what they do.

And now, they announced a Kickstarter for the one hundredth DCC module, the "Music of the Spheres is Chaos" boxed set.

Any boxed set adventure nowadays is going to be massive, but the concept of the spinning map is enough to make most gamers take a chance....

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