
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

(Kickstarter) #ZineMonth2022 - Attack From Space!

 Now this is what #ZineMonth2022, #ZineQuest, and zines in general are supposed to be all about!

In Attack from Space: The RPG, the inspiration isn't the 'ripped from the headlines," but rather "ripped from the author's doodles in school notebooks.  

ATTACK FROM SPACE is a roleplaying game inspired by the doodles and daydreams in the margins of every notebook I owned. It's the smell of freshly distributed Ditto'ed worksheets and art classes spent reading comics instead of painting fruit. It's cheap photocopiers, medieval knights with epic enchanted swords, and cadres of little green alien invaders from outer space clashing at the mouth of a dragon's den!

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