
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, February 20, 2022

(Kickstarter) #ZineMonth2022 - Dungeon Local 001 by Michael Elliot

 #ZineMonth2022 should be producing a lot of unique items that I have not interest in. 

...and then there's Dungeon Local 001 by Michael Elliot

Directly off the Kickstarter: 

The dragon is dead.
The adventurers are gone.
Time to organize.

Dungeon Local 001 is a reverse-dungeon crawling RPG where players take on the role of denizens of a typical fantasy dungeon tasked with rebuilding and mapping their home. You'll create characters with jobs (their assigned role under the old overlord) and passions (what they really want to do with their life) and memories (events and locations throughout the dungeon). You'll take turns exploring the dungeon, creating a map, overcoming dangerous encounters, and sharing old stories.

Dungeon Local 001 lets players occupy the other side of the GM screen. You'll play as kobolds, dwarves, goblins, and more. No bosses, and no game masters. Just storytelling and remapping your home after the old tyrant has been slain. Were you the ones who slayed the dragon? Was it the last group of malevolent adventurers who invaded your home? Or was it the monstrous insect, a cave-in, or the result of a scheme gone wrong? Play to find out what happens!

Dungeon Local 001 uses the Forged in the Dark system, based on John Harper's Blades in the Dark. Whenever a character does something risky or uncertain, players make an action roll and build a pool of six-sided dice based on their job, passion, and whether they will spend stress or get help from their friends. When characters get too much stress or harm, the crew makes camp, cooks some food, and shares memories of their time in the dungeon.

And somehow all of this is also 5e compatible. Color me interested in the latest take on the reverse dungeon, with a lot more collaborative storytelling.

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