
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

(Kickstarter) #ZineMonth2022 - Faereld - A Rules Light Sword & Sorcery RPG by Andrew Hand

 For some reason I continue to watch YouTube videos, and listen to podcasts of utter nitwits apologizing for Kickstarter dropping the ball with #Zinequest4 and the subsequent #ZineMonth2020 #ZinMo response for February.  

One of their reasons for additional funding is the improved physical quality of zines.  Glossy pages, full color, indices, all those things akin to professional publishing is what they want in a zine?

I don't think the talking heads understand the concept of a zine, much less the history of where they came from.  

One zine on Kickstarter that gets the general feel of the zines, and concept about what they're great for, appears to be Faereld, a rules-light sword and sorcery RPG by Andrew Hand.

I don't know the rules engine, I don't know anything about this game, but for $10 for the physical zine and $5 for the pdf, I think it's worth a shot.

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