
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, February 4, 2022

(Kickstarter) #ZineMonth2022 - Life on the Veg by Sophie Atkinson

#ZineMonth2022 isn't all about edgy zines, there's also fighting the good fight against vegetarians.... or at least running away with life.

Life on the Veg by Sophie Atkinson is a RPG where you're a sentient vegetable trying not to be eaten.

From the Kickstarter:
Life in the allotment was idyllic. You slept peacefully in the soil, nourished by the sun and rain, communicating with your fellow veggies via the magic of your roots. Until one day, everything changed. Rough hands pulled you from the earth and shoved you into a basket. Your eyes and mind opened, suddenly you could think, and feel! Who are you? Why are you here? Are you more of a jazz guy or a classic rock fan? Now’s your chance to find out as you explore what it means to be alive, and more importantly, try to stay that way!

Life On The Veg is a short, whimsical one-shot RPG in which you play a newly sentient vegetable as you attempt to escape the kitchen in which you find yourself and avoid your fate of becoming dinner.

This is a game for 3 or more players (but more players = more fun!), one of whom will take the role of ‘Kitchen Master’ - directing the action and controlling the non-player characters.

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