
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

(Kickstarter) #ZineMonth2022 - Party First: Twilight War

Party First: Twilight War is an espionage themed supplemental book to the Party First RPG.  It is a true horror game, covering not only the supernatural and the cosmic, but the true evil of human and bureaucratic.  
From the Kickstarter:
Players take on the roles of individuals living within the nation of the USRA in THE TWILIGHT WORLD set during the year 1985. THE TWILIGHT WORLD is similar to our own in some ways, but dramatically different in others. You may see some aspects that you recognize, and in most cases, it is by design. Other aspects will be more emphasized, dramatized, or horrific than the world you are familiar with.

The biggest difference you will see is that of the horrors of THE TWILIGHT WORLD. Monsters are real here. They are real, and at best humanity is nothing to them. In the scope of this universe, we are seen as ants. At worst, these monsters actively seek the end of all life in the world. The majority of humans have no idea what sort of horrors wait just outside their narrow scope of the world, and even the player characters themselves may only have the smallest inkling of the truth - at the start. As a story progresses the players will come face to face with the horrific truth and either overcome or, more likely, be mercilessly killed or driven mad by their newfound knowledge.

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