
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

(Kickstarter) Chaos Space Dwarves by Macrocosm Miniatures

Macrocosm has a fine collection of well-sculpted, easy to paint Space Dwarves.  There were a few obvious holes in the collective line.  A new Kickstarter for Chaos Space Dwarves add some needed depth to a side that only had a few Beastmen and Mutants.  

All new figures and add-ons offered during the campaign (Tank is by Ramshackle Games)

The Powered Armour Squad is basically what you would expect the elite shock troops to be like.  
And the Pact our the basic cultist level of troops, complete with spooky gas masks.

Add-ons are available for some of the existing models as well, including the Beastmen Troopers, Mutated Deserters, and The 7 Dwarves. 

One add-on I had not found before on the Macrocosm website were the Bogling Swarm.  Cute and diabolical enough to justify the £5 price.  

Of course, it helps that my pledge for the Sci-Fi Dwarves High Command Kickstarter just arrived yesterday afternoon.  I hate shipping costs from the UK, but it's quicker than cross-country in the States. I'll need to cobble a Base+ order together.

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