
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, March 5, 2022

The 2022 RPG Dream List

I don't foresee another Social Media project endeavor, such as the #CharacterCreationChallenge or #ZineMonth2022, so it's back to one-off posts about RPGs.  

The recent lull in the Star Wars online game has forced some interesting one shots, and a collective review of what else we (re: I) would like to play.  

Of course, the significant drop-off in COVID infections and hospitalizations mean that the world is getting a bit back to normal and we could possibly resume/resurrect some face to face gaming. 

Finally, with the captive audience at home no longer captive 24/7 about basketball, I should probably try to sink my gaming hooks into them one more time.

Face-to-Face Gaming
Call of Cthulhu  - During a recent "chat only" Monday night session, my friend /college roommate / regular player Steve let it out of the bag that while he enjoys most RPGs systems, he enjoys classic Call of Cthulhu the most.  That's a pretty strong vote to consider CoC with the return to actual tabletop sessions.  A resumption of our now classic 1920's CoC Campaign would be the end goal, regardless of how we get there. 

Call of Cthulhu Invictus - But even I know that diving head-first into that old campaign would not be beneficial to anyone, so a few sessions of Cthulhu Invictus would satiate my desire to play Cthulhu, and use some of the material I've acquired over the years.  

Basic D&D - "Home" -  My permanent placeholder on these lists for at least a decade now, my Polynesian D&D game covering the fact that the PCs are natives on the Isle of Dread would change styles of play as the game progressed.

Twilight: 2000 - One of my long-awaited Kickstarters was for the Free League Twilight: 2000 Boxed Set.  I'd love to run it, but with my group of players *cough* civilians *cough*, I believe face-to-face gaming would almost be required to get them acclimated to the darker setting.  It would also expand my ongoing Challenge Challenge project, where I try to exhaust as much GDW and other material out of Challenge Magazine that I can. 

GI Joe - Almost a complete 180 degree swing from Twilight: 2000, the upcoming RPG about the popular TV series/toy line might work for both online and face-to-face.   First I need to get the rules to make sure they're as decent as I hope they are.

At-Home Options
Savage Mouslings -
I've already done some gaming with the girls using Reaper Mouslings and other similar figures.  The first four significant games were using Savage Showdown, but I would like to go from skirmish level to actual role-playing, with a rotating cast of support NPCs.

Gamma World - All the stuff Thom Wilson has written for post-apocalyptic gaming has made me realize that Gamma World with the girls might be a fun exercise, a mixture of beat 'em up combat and riddles as the PCs try to decipher the secrets of the Ancients.  I'd use the 4th Edition of the rules (Proto-d20 almost a decade early).  

Pulp Alley: Tomb of the Serpent - After three season of the Savage Saga of Maja Millie, season 4 is taking a sudden turn.  Savage Worlds/Showdown is moving to Pulp Alley and with the option for multiple leagues, it's time to turn to the Tomb of the Serpent for a long-term campaign.   Just reading the intro scenarios, this is a bit more intense than we're used to, and we'll need to convert/kitbash some terrain.

My Little Pony - I stand by the fact that River Horse's My Little Pony RPG is one of the greatest role-playing games of all time.  Yep, I'm that enamored with it.  The girls are almost too old to play it enthusiastically, but getting things together is, as always, the toughest part.

Online Options
Hackmaster - Burning Trogs Redux... Continued.  Longtime readers may tire of my longtime pipe dream:  getting all my old Hackmaster players back together to have their characters exact the very sweet justice and revenge on the despicable Slavers of Roark  

Espionage RPG - I've compiled a good assortment of spy/espionage material and I'd like to try it out.  Initially I was thinking a Spice Girls RPG using Top Secret, but Top Secret is simply too crunchy.  It may take awhile, but I think I found a system I can hack for the lighter mechanic but heavy planning required, but time will tell.

Canadian Call of Cthulhu - My 90's based horror/paranormal game based in Medicine Hat, Alberta needs more love.  The scenarios are outlined, I just need a steadier rate of game to go further.  A two or three session arc each time there's a Star Wars lull might do it.

Star Wars D6 - This remains the old stand-by.  We recently restarted after an extended holiday hiatus, and the sheer joy everyone had resolving the cliffhanger we paused at warmed my heart.  This could end with a bang, I could cover the mid-game and end-game ideas I've had from session 1, or I could continue to peruse decades of materials (and Traveller articles in the Challenge Challenge) and keep this going indefinitely.

IOU a la Risus - It's quite simple, I need to use Risus for one-shots a LOT more, and Illuminati University (IOU) continues to provide the freedom to run with the crazier ideas, concepts, and puns. 

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