
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, June 30, 2022

(Kickstarter) Halflings in Space!

 TrollTrader is attempting to fill a massive void in the sci-fi industry: a Kickstarter for a complete Halfling Sci-Fi Army.

The halflings are 20mm from head to toe (obviously taller with headgear) and will be made out of resin.  The army itself offers heavy machine gun squads, veterans, tanks, apcs, vtols, and even FEMALE TROOPS!

Yes, we're looking at troops that are more the size of BattleValor Space Dwarves (sans beards), but compared to other UK Kickstarters, this one looks like an absolute steal from the start.  

A word of warning, this campaign is a quick one, ending next Friday, July 8th.

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