
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, June 17, 2022

My Five Dollar Shake

 I know there's plenty of people who consider Pulp Fiction to be an overwrought piece of cinema, but dammit if it isn't so quotable.   One thing that hasn't aged well, thanks 28 years of inflation is the Five Dollar Shake discussion at Jack Rabbit Slim's.  Considering a small shake at Five Guys is $6+ nowadays, I might kill someone for a decent-size, tasty shake at 50's themed restaurant. 

(Note to self, double check your schedule for Historicon, and see when I can sneak out to DJ's Taste of the 50's.)

But like Vincent Vega, I balk at things that, in my opinion, cost more than it should, and it doesn't help my that my craft-crazy younger daughter, Millie, likes to raid the painting bench.   I've recovered, reconstituted, and combined numerous paint bottles that were absconded to create a masterpiece, but she only steals my craft paint, so that doesn't hurt as much.  

With Historicon in just over a month, I've tried to go through my Gnome Wars stuff, as well as my terrain, and figure out what needs to be fixed, refurbished, or just packed up for our Yellowstone games.  I've reorganized and touched up a good pile of gnomes, but as I moved over to dusting off some shelves, I found a few larger finished fantasy figures in pieces, thanks to the cats!  As I reached over to grab my Zap-A-Gap and Zap-Kicker, I find the spray bottle, but the glue is missing.  

It took last weekend and all of this week of searching, but I miraculously found it last night, in the middle of the dining room table.  

My five dollar shake is a 2oz bottle of Zap-A-Gap Medium CA+, and besides being $12 at the nearby hardware/train store, for the utility and swath of use, I can't complain.  In a world of Superglue, Gorilla Glue, and watered-down white glue, I toss toss aside and rely on Zap-A-Gap for assembly, touch up, and even flocking.  

I guess it can't be too bad, because the cheapest I can get it off of Amazon is $10.92, but I swear there was a time when the big 2 oz bottle was eight or nine bucks, tops.   

And don't even get me started on the chaos of Doritos pricing...  Old age has been on the run for a few years, but came back to roost because it can't afford the gas to stay on the lam.

Project 350:  Things continue to decline down to 447 (291/156) from 449 (293/156).  While gaming and gaming project languish, I was down to only three Star Wars campaign episodes to write-up, until this week's session has oddly been expanded to three episodes all on their own.  

We've got a host of basketball to finish off the month.  Millie has a national invitational this weekend, and both girls finish out the season local against either very good competition, or horrendous competition.  From there its a little weekend ball for Millie, and Maja focuses on working on being a leader for 8th grade and helping out the new 7th graders starting school ball for the first time.  The 7th/8th grade team isn't too shabby for their first two weeks, losing by 1 to Hazleton two weeks ago, and losing by 3 to Good Shepherd, with a full roster of brand new 7th graders and a coach who focused more on winning at all costs than getting some of the girls vital court time.  Wins in the summer are nice, but there's no trophy at the end of July.  There are trophies for grades 7-9 come February, and that process starts now. 

Up Next:  I'm going to try to paint up a few figures for International Gnome Week, or at least review my notes for a viable article or two.  A gnome game looks to be more of a miracle, but there is stuff in the overdue pipeline.

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