
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, June 23, 2022

(Painting) Killer Teddy Bear w/ Laser Pistol

I'm slowly assembling and reviewing everything I need for my events for Historicon, but that doesn't mean I can't pain up a random Macho Women with Guns figure, especially one I could hypothetically use in a game!

Finished: one Killer Teddy Bear w/ Laser Pistol, part of a two figure blister.  There's also a duo of Killer Teddy Bears wielding laser rifles, if fluffy long-range weapons are your preference.

Killer Teddy Bear w/ Laser Pistol (1 of 2)
If you're painting up a sci-fi teddy bear, it needs to be wielding a retro 50's ray gun, with plenty of flashing lights, and perhaps even some sparks. 
 Most, if not all, of the Macho Women with Guns miniature line are now carried by MSD Games, as well as Kryomek and Luftwaffe 1946. 
Cuddles - Teddy Bear Cyborg Bounty Hunter - 280 points
Shooting - 9   Fighting - 7  Agility - 7  Hit Points - 20   Speed 10cm
Traits: Unshakable, Inspiring, Heal
Equipment: Heavy Laser Pistol (1d10+2 damage, range 25), Light Armor (1d8)

Essentially, this killer teddy bear will stay by your side, no matter what, will inspire you to do great things, and even make you feel better if you don't feel good.

Up Next:  Currently sitting on the painting bench include figures for Pulp Season 4, German Gnomes for International Gnome Week, some sci-fi buildings, and even some Wars of Ozz individual figures.  I do need to pull out some figures/terrain to ensure my Yellowstone game is complete, and where are my sheep rules!

Project 350:  Even with new Star Wars episodes slotted and a few cool pics to fill in the slow days, the number continues to gradually decline to 445 (292/153) from 447 (291/156) last week.

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