
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

(Star Wars d6) #43 - Bioxin Azure Season

   The Current Crew of the Pretio

Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise, majority owner in the Pretio.
Evus - Twi'lek free mercenary, Ne'vets' armed muscle with a keen eye and a tendency to shoot first.
Tarrie - Human pilot "under contract" to fly the Pretio, and drive the Piscopo.  Brother of potential terrorist, rebel  Latorna Savvn. His climbing skills are suspect, but his grenade skills make up for it.  Edging a dangerous lifestyle of drugs, booze, and loose women
Frokazza - Wookie co-pilot, mechanic, and unarmed muscle. Very distrustful, and that anxiety gives him skin issues.
Duk'k - Sipsk'ud Bounty Hunter, recently rescued by the crew.  Offering his services in order to get off this barely existing hunk of mud.  His warning shots are dead center mass kill shots. 

Unwanted Interaction 
The crew of the Pretio successfully completed their time
At the Imperial Zoological Symposium and Exposition. 
They made new contacts and acquired a medical droid 
As well as an astromech droid, R2-H8(r).

Upon the safe return to Ne'vets' ranch and base 
on Takodana, the crew has been met
By an uninvited guest: 
Maz Kanata, the Pirate Queen herself

Upon their return home to Takodana, the crew of the Pretio had been met by an uninvited guest, sitting on the wrap-around porch of the main building.

"Ne'vets Aharo, we haven't met.  I'm Maz Kanata.  You're in a good deal of trouble."
Ne'vets stepped up to the porch, "Nice to finally meet you.  Would you like a refreshment?"

"Your men have already entertained me, for what it's worth.  What have you fellas been up to."

"The usual. A little bit a this, a little bit of that."

"Alright, I'll be more blunt.  What business do you have with the Empire."

"They gave us a ride awhile back."

"Any reason why the Empire showed up here for an entire week, looking for you.?"

"Um.... no."

Maz turned from stern to upset, "I was as hospitable was I could be to entertain a troop transport before they left.  Folks come to this planet to avoid the Empire.  We deal with a lost Imperial Inspector once a cycle, if that.   No one should have it as their business address, especially when they have known associates with Imperials."

"So this is what you need to do.  You need to set up your business on a different planet.  I can't kick you off Takodana... yet.  I could just put you on a "list" with my regulars to give you constant trouble. "

"Absolutely, we can do that, what else?"

"You need to do a job for me, pro bono.  A simple one, to put you back into my "I don't know who the hell you are" graces.  You know the pesty rabbits on planet, the Bioxin Azures? "

"Yeah, pretty much vermin."

"I need 500 of them collected and transported to the Tuktaar System.   You make the effort to capture them, you pay for the fuel, and we'll be back on a neutral terms.  Just make sure I never hear Imperials utter a name that so much as rhymes with yours."

Bioxin Azures
"The Tuktaar Royal Family has requested these animals.  I will provide you with details when you acquire the animals.  See me at the castle"

She left the porch,  turned to look down the road, but then took a glance of Frokazza carrying cargo off the Pretio.

"Ne'vets, where did you hide that big fella?  Bring him to the castle with you."

For the next few days, Ne'vets and crew labored to build, set up, and maintain hundreds of tracks throughout the forest planet.  With few efforts, a dozen or so could be captured on a sweep, it was just a matter of the necessary feed and care in the cages to keep them alive. 

While the Bioxin Azures were a primary focus, it was still down time for regular business, so regular actions were needed.  Tarrie still worked on basic maintenance on the Pretio, which was greatly aided by the new astromech droid, R2-H8(r).

Frokazza spent a few hours recalibrating spanners on the ship, but preferred to hang out with Duk'k and possibly learn some cool Sipsk'ud Martial Arts.

Frokazza learned a hard lesson from that request  The Wookie's skill and experience was actually better than the Bounty Hunter, but Frokazza happened to capture the wrath of Duk'k's misadventures building a shack.  

Duk'k had been given permission to go through the scrap behind ammo shed and build his own domicile on the property.  His construction skills were certainly not top-notch, and every time he ran into some issue, he took his frustrations out on a tough, but ill-prepared Wookie.

Five days later, there were  caged Bioxin Azures in every direction.  

Tarrie started counting on his fingers, "That's way more than 500 rabbits."

"I learned it from the goldfish job we did awhile back, acquired double what was necessary, so when half of them died, we still met our quota upon delivery.

Evus looked confused, "That was before me, who wanted thousands of space goldfish?"

"Space Carnies" Duk'k quickly retorted.

Removing the Q-Ship from the one cargo hold, they managed to get all the cages into the Pretio, bags upon bags of food at the ready.   The first part of Maz's instructions completed, it was time to go visit Maz and get further instructions.  

Ne'vets and Frokazza travelled to Maz's castle, and through a few misadventures with the traveling Gamorean New Wave band, made contact with her, while she was cleaning off a table.

"Mister Aharo, you brought the furball, have a seat."

Basic transaction information was relayed, and Maz provided them a small device with credentials for and directions to, Tuktaar.  Tuktaar was the true home world of the anthropomorphic camel race, the Yarkorans.   The royal family had simply requested 500 healthy Bioxin Azures, an administrator named Ghek'kurik would be their direct contact.  Ne'vets and crew would not be responsible with procuring any form of payment.  

Maz seemed satisfied with one last statement, "Keep this info clear of what ever nosy Imperial friends are looking for you....  and leave the Wookie here."  She lowered her goggles and stared intently into the Wookie's eyes.

"Tell me your story, Frokazza.  I'm a very good listener...."

Ne'vets walked out of the castle and drove the Piscopo back to the ranch.  About an hour and half later, a small transport arrived there and dropped Frokazza off.  

Frokazza found Ne'vets inside, and only said, "That was weird, never leave me alone there ever again!"

"What happened."

"Oddly nothing, It was almost comforting, but I don't want to talk about it.  Do that again. and you will be armless."

"So noted..."

GM Notes:  There was a complete tangent we've pulled back that we tried to recreate the movie Roadhouse.  We'll never get that time back, but we chalked that up to an improv and way too much nostalgia.

Acquiring the rabbits was actually a simple process. Loading them onto the ship was a necessary level of minutiae we haven't visited in some time.  It was refreshing, to be honest, but I'm happy everyone was fine with handwaving and Yes And/Yes Buts to keep the game from bogging down into Accountants and Actuaries. 

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