
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

(Star Wars d6) #45 -Takodana Days, Takodana Nights

 The Current Crew of the Pretio

    Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise, majority owner in the Pretio.
Tarrie - Human pilot "under contract" to fly the Pretio, and drive the Piscopo.  Brother of potential terrorist, rebel  Latorna Savvn. His climbing skills are suspect, but his grenade skills make up for it.  Edging a dangerous lifestyle of drugs, booze, and loose women
Frokazza - Wookie co-pilot, mechanic, and unarmed muscle. Very distrustful, and that anxiety gives him skin issues.
Duk'k - Sipsk'ud Bounty Hunter, recently rescued by the crew.  Offering his services in order to get off this barely existing hunk of mud.  His warning shots are dead center mass kill shots.
Evus - Twi'lek free mercenary, Ne'vets' armed muscle with a keen eye and a tendency to shoot first.

Home Sweet Home
After making a delivery to the Tuktaar system, 
to abate the seething rage of the Pirate Queen herself,
Maz Kanata, the crew of the Pretio
Has returned to Takodana for some
Well-deserved rest and relaxation.

But the crew is full of individuals who
Do not rest on their laurels.  
What will they get themselves into 
Upon the first sign of boredom.....

After setting up their new off-planet office on Bestine, the crew of the Pretio returned to Takodana for some much deserved rest and relaxation.

After maintenance on the ship, Ne'vets checking his messages, and Duk'k continuing to work on his shack, it was time to pile into the Piscopo and head into Andui to celebrate.
Rollin' into town in the Piscopo

The crew wandered into first cantina next to their parking spot.  Even before food and drink orders were placed, Duk'k pressed the waitress for any outstanding issues in the community that he could resolve.

The waitress winced, "You're the heroic types?  Heroic for money?"

Duk'k nodded, "Fair enough, yes."

"This is where people come to hide and not be found."

Tarrie ordered sloe gin fizz.

"That was the drink my second husband had before he blew up.  Probably wasn't the drink, it was definitely me."

While the others cringed, Tarrie could only acknowledge her statement with a wink.  The waitress, Rosalyn responded with unexpected playing with Tarrie's hair, before turning away to grab their drink order. 

After a bit longer than forever for that first round, they made acquaintance with a Talia Neff,  Her ship, a YT-1300 freighter, mysteriously departed from the castle without any crew aboard.  The only reason she  knew it was still within the system because the YT-1300 was coming in with an unresponsive hyperdrive.

Another woman at the bar, Alara, inquired about Duk'k's bounty hunter status, especially what his last job was for the Empire. 

Duk'k was all business, "Multiple killers luring in young gals and doing them in.  They went into hiding an the Imps couldn't find him.  It was pretty easy to hunt them down and take them out.  The motivation to bring them in cold was pretty high, even if they whimpered like babies when they surrendered."

"Pretty easy decision to take that.  A digital chronoton is always right twice a cycle."

Alara stood up after another round, paid her tab, and dropped a data stick on the table before walking out.

"If you need to inquire more, I'm at the Weeping Bantha all week."

Tarrie stood up, got his bearings, and actively began a conversation with Rosalyn, grabbing a corner seat at the bar to chat her up. 

She gave a pretty basic story for Takodana.  Ex-pirate, now retired.  Living off the stashes of her four ex-husbands while working the cantina to stay busy. 

Tarrie chuckled, "Four ex-husbands?  That might scare some off.  I'm not one of them."

Frokazza was simply miffed, with his friend running off with yet another drunken harlot.  While Duk'k decided against waiting for a refill by walking up to the bar, the Wookie rolled over to Tarrie and Rosalyn and physically tried to pull him away from the potential canoodling 

"He's done" Frokazza growled.   

Rosalyn was undeterred, "So you pilot a Ghtroc?  How do you handle those thrusters."  

"Those thrusters require a supple hand, and I have that... and much, much more."

Frokazza lifted the pilot straight up and carried him out, much to he and Rosalyn's disappointments.

Tossing Tarrie into the back of the Piscopo, the crew departed with a long-range mission, Maz's Castle.

A drunk Tarrie hailed Ne'vets on his com back home, "HEY!!! WE'RE GOING TO MAZ'S CASTLE! IT'S TARRIE!!  Hey, I've got Ne'vets on the line.

The Wookie grabbed the comm, "Ne'vet's it's Frokazza, grab a speeder and come to the castle to see Mazz."

"Is Duk'k still with you."


"Let me talk to him."

The comm was passed to Duk'k,  "NE'VET WHATSSSSUUUUUUPPP!!! Just kidding Ne'vets, I'm fine."

"Where are you guys driving to?"

"We picked up some job leads in Andui, but now Frokazza wants to see Maz"

"Okay, I'll be at the castle too...."

Ne'vets hopped on a speeder and beat the Piscopo to the castle.   He grabbed a drink and hung out by the lanai to see the speeder van come in. 

Frokazza flew into the area and stopped on a dime.    He stumbled out of the vehicle, complaining about his legs falling asleep on the long ride over.  Duk'k simply emerged from the vehicle, while Tarrie came out hot from the guys shooting down his chance with Rosalyn.  

Tarrie poured his drunken heart out to Ne'vets, and of the lost chance at love he had with the dearest Rosalyn.  

"How about a nice cup of Caf?" Ne'vets suggested.

A three-day old Caf didn't heal his heart but it kept Tarrie upright to stagger over to the buffet. 

"Duk'k!  They have the white cheese, the yellow cheese, and the striped cheese!  This buffet is great."

The castle was full of various travelers, looking for a quiet place to replace and have Duk'k recap his leads in Andui.

After reviewing the options, Ne'vets fired back with the real mission.  

"Yeah, they sound good, but we've got an order for a Devorian Snow Tiger with a pretty quick turnaround.  Biggest problem with that is we can't declare it as commerce, and it's too hard to smuggle onto the planet Palantir,  so we'll need to label it a pet to get it on-planet.  If that missing ship is still close, we can knock that out on the way.  How long ago did it disappear?"

"Like two days ago, max.  And it has no hyperdrive, so it's gotta be somewhere in the system."

"Perfect, we can go out, give it a quick search,if we find it, great, if not, we grab the cat." 

Scanning a random system map decorating the wall, Duk'k surveyed the situation, "There's only one more habitable planet in the system, Takodana-2, so it's our first and best chance for a quick recovery."

"Sounds good.  Has anyone seen Tarrie,"

Tarrie's voice could be heard over a PA system, with musical accompaniment:

"Just a small town girl, living in a lonely woooorrrrld...."

And with that, good times, bad karaoke, and much needed camaraderie was had before two more missions the next day.  

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