
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, August 14, 2022

#RPGaDay2022 - Day 14 - Suggestion Sunday: Roll 1d8+1 and tag that many friends and suggest a new RPG to try.

 Day 14 of #RPGaDay2022 debuts a unique concept to increase awareness and generate a little more social media presence, "Suggestion Sunday: Roll 1d8+1 and tag that many friends and suggest a new RPG to try."

My roll is 7 (6+1), so here goes nothing.  

  • Dr Bob
  • Steve O
  • Brian N
  • Mike D
  • Scott B
  • Hoyce
  • Wooly
With a special guest star appearance by the one, the only, Crazy Darryl !!!

Let's go to war!   And better yet, if I'm drafting you into this hypothetical game, let's give you options.  

Option One: First off, the GI Joe Roleplaying Game by Renegade Studios. 

Between the 80's cartoon and the original 80s comic run by Marvel, there is so much material to base a game off of, the systematic plot model makes a rotating cast of characters ok.  

And anyway, I just want an excuse to run a Gray-game where the Drednoks steal a Cobra hyrofoil and take it out on a night on the town....

Option Two:  Let's get a lot darker and pseudo-realistic with the latest rules for the GDW classic, Twilight: 2000.  Now produced by Free League (Fria Liga), this game of a Third World War that fell apart and the PCs are left to their own devices in Europe has a revised system, and lots of shiny and new bells and whistles... and it's burning a hole in my bookshelf waiting to be played
Option Three:  If fake warfare with laserguns and planes were everyone has an ejection seat isn't for you, and the dystopian future/past of WW3 is too soft,  let's go full-on brutal.  No, I don't mean Phoenix Command, I mean Palladium's Revised Recon.  No frills Vietnam-era combat missions, no space for personalities and backstories (save the Palladium alignment system.)  Expect a sizable body count on both sides.

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