
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

#RPGaDay2022 - Day 17 - Past, Present, Future? When is My Favorite Game Set?

Day 17 of #RPGaDay2022 brings up a simple question that should have a simple answer: "Past, Present, Future?  When is My Favorite Game Set?"

Since I'm not shooting to get under an old-school maximum for a Tweet, I'll embellish a bit

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.

Our current Star Wars d6 Campaign is currently somewhere between 3 and 2 BBY.   Since it's a merchant campaign, inspired partially by Traveller and partially by Tiger King, the neutral allegiance (and bureaucratic reliance on the Empire) has made traditional Star Wars modules a bit more difficult to fit in.

So to move the question to another logical step, where have these guys gone to (and where was the inspiration for it?)
  • Volturnus, Planet of Mystery, but now a moon of Dathomir.  Largely pulled from the Volturnus trilogy of modules for Star Frontiers.
  • The Imperial Star Destroyer Iron Fist
  • The planet (and hyperlane hub) Botajef, for a Siege on an Imperial Customs House (Challenge Magazine #25) heartfelt sibling reunion, the heinous bombing a Jawa Juice franchise, a later interview at the site of the former Jawa Juice, and an abortive bank robbery.  *Whew!*
  • Alcazaar - for a need batch of safari and commercial espionage, from the Star Frontiers module Mission to Alcazaar.
  • Zeltos - Hedonistic pleasure planet.
  • Bespin - For a much maligned Life Day session.
  • Takodana - For some R&R and talks with Maz Kanata.
  • Planet 576-908 - Using the Judges Guild Simba Safari for Traveller.
  • The Island on Planet 576-908 - Using the Star Wars SAGA scenario "A Dark Fortress".
  • Alderaan - for a zoological exposition and musical performances.
  • Tuktaar - Yakoran World - the the delivery of a LOT of Bioxin azure rabbits!
  • Hosnian Prime - for a chance encounter/firefight with a smuggler and his Wookie which only slightly skewed modern canon.
And anyway, any excuse to have a Sipsk'ud in the crew is right in my book!

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