
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, August 21, 2022

#RPGaDay2022 - Day 21 - Setting Sunday - Share an Intriguing Detail from a Game Setting You Enjoy

Day 21 of #RPGaDay2022 and we're back to a Sunday fun topic, "Setting Sunday - Share an Intriguing Detail from a Game Setting You Enjoy."

One true setting, and some fun facts about my personal settings...

GURPS IOU (Illuminati Univeristy)   - Besides being a cross-dimensional, cross-genre, tertiary, quaternary, quinary, senary, septenary, nonary, and denary school of education (octnoary is temporarily suspended), IOU also hosts the traditional underground steam tunnels expected on most older college campuses.  These tunnels extend for miles, and lead to various caverns, realms, complexes, and just about anything else imaginable.  It's a perfect excuse to break out some old D&D modules and defeat Vecna the old fashioned way.  And if you allow psionics, you can probably borrow one of the mind-control subjects in the research building across campus to help out.

90's Canadian College Campus Cthulhu Campaign Most future games will be based off of Warren Zevon songs. I make no promises for quality.

1920's Cthulhu Campaign (Post-Masks) - The are four separate "faces" of Nylarathotep that have interest in the characters.  Three are actively fighting each other (two to kill the PCs, one is preventing that as a secret patron), while one is simply biding its time.

Star Wars d6 Campaign - "The Pretio" - All races out of the Star Frontiers boxed set (including the Sathar) are part of the campaign.  Depending on timing and finishing up some story, I may screw up A New Hope with a dual invasion coming from beyond the outer rim. 

World of Georic - My D&D/AD&D/Hackmaster campaign's map was completely homebrewed (and in crayon) for 15 years, for the last 15 years, everything has been reorganized in a world resembling the Epic of Aerth for Mythus/Dangerous Journeys.  Everytime we play, we're somewhere on fantasy Earth.

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