
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, September 11, 2022

(Kickstarter) Owlbear Omelette by Caradoc Games

 The August #Zinequest has come and gone, but it doesn't mean it does not influence games publishers all year long.

Owlbear Omelette is a fun one-shot or mini campaign RPG where goblin commoners steal one of the goblin king's owlbear eggs.  

It sounds part Pathfinder Goblins, part Kobolds Ate My Baby, and just a hint of "Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government."   Or perhaps it just devolves into half heist game / half Paranoia RPG.  I'm intrigued by all options.  

The two true areas the piqued my interest enough to post about it are related the 'zines.  This is the first product they'll be printing on a zine-friendly A6 paper.  Why, you may ask.  More than printing costs are reasonable, shipping costs go down dramatically, So much so, that the shipping costs FROM AUSTRALIA to the US are $2.75 at this time.  After almost two years of astronomical shipping costs and times to and from our friends down under, I'm not even sure what bygone era of nostalgia this is generating from, but it's now on my radar to grab both pdf and physical copies for very reasonable prices. 

Definitely cheaper than Owlbear eggs....

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