
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, September 9, 2022

(Painting) Gnome Wars Spotter and Some Random Fantasy Dude

Another week closer to the end of my "gaming year," and I'm just happy to keep finishing miscellaneous figures off the painting bench.  

The first figure is the artillery spotter from the Northern Cannon team for Gnome Wars.  Perfect for artillery, or properly suited if you need a higher ranking officer to observe the battle from afar 

Brigade Games is currently remolding and recasting a number (re: most) of the figures, so this figure wasn't even listed currently. Hopefully that will change as we get closer to Fall-In!  

The other figure I finished was one of the random figures I grabbed for a dollar at the Historicon flea market (Wally's Basement).  

Mordant of the Fusilier Dragon Knights come from the Fanitization Miniatures Present: Rusted Heroes line.  I had never heard of the miniatures line, and I don't see an immediate use for him, but when the price tag on an individual figure is originally $9.99, I felt obligated to snag him up. 
Mordant - Fusilier Dragon Knights

Next: Everything moves around some more on the painting bench, with a dollar store find that fills a need for a Gnomish Space Marine/Planet 28 game in the works... with vehicles.  

Project 350: I went into a rambling mess during the post-RPGaDay relaunch, so we're at 460 (294/166), down from last week's 464 (296/168). Yes, watching Buckaroo Banzai did help, even if it added to the scheduled posts, with no net gain in my drafts.

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