
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

(Star Wars d6) # 57 Delivery Delays

The Crew of the Pretio in This Week's Episode
Ne'vets Aharo
- an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise, majority owner in the Pretio.
Tarrie Prolek - Human pilot "under contract" to fly the Pretio, and drive the Piscopo. Brother of potential terrorist, rebel Latorna Savvn. His climbing skills are suspect, but his dance moves are above par. Edging a dangerous lifestyle of drugs, booze, and loose women.
Frokazza - Wookie co-pilot and friend of Tarrie, with a rare Wookie skin condition, but the strength of ten banthas.
Duk'k - Sipsk'ud Bounty Hunter, recently rescued by the crew. Offering his services in order to get off this barely existing hunk of mud. His warning shots are dead center mass kill shots.
"Sid" - A peculiar woman with some knowledge of their missing ally, Evus, Sid has been allowed to tag along for now...

After a delivery of glowrods goes down
Too easily, our heroes find themselves
Deep within the 
Great Migration of Sulo.  
With the worst possible timing, 
The crew of the Pretio must 
Regroup, find a purpose, 
And still maintain the elusive Tree Kraken 
For its delivery... six weeks from now.

After realizing a scheduling snafu on the delivery of the Tree Kraken, and subsequent warning shots from the Sulo Planetary Defense Force, Ne'vets was a bit confused as to what the next move was.

"What's up boss," Duk'k asked Ne'vets, "thankfully those warning shots are more gentle than ours."

Trying to find a safe haven to access space mail, refuel, and lay low for a few days, Ne'vets directed Tarrie to take the Pretio to the planet Quellor.

Sid asked to be co-pilot on the journey, but a very annoyed Frokazza barged into the cockpit, with smoothies and snacks for the trip. R2-H8(r) plugged in the astrogation coordinates and away they went.

Quellor's only starport was primitive, but far more populated than the towns on Sulo. The crew was surprised to see only one dock open, and a bit more shocked to see a heavily modified Old Republic gunship in bedecked in fresh tan/desert camo.

Not to be expected on a backwater colonial world...
Sid and R2-H8(r) took a quick jaunt to pay for docking and refueling fees while Tarrie, Frokazza, and Duk'k debated their course of action.  Despite concern for Ne'vets' well-being, and a healthy dose of paranoia, it was decided that the trio would take Sid and walk into the main town.  

Passing by Batu's Droid Emporium and Smoke Shop, the crew reached the town's biggest cantina, The Purple Cat

They expected a few locals, maybe a lost traveler, but none expected to see the bar lined with eight obviously combat veterans in body armor, drinking and singing songs.  Outside of some scratched and worn-out orange armor panels, there was no regalia to distinguish them as pro-Imperial or pro-Rebellion, so a good guess was that they were mercs.

The crew grabbed a table, ordered drinks, and settled in.  As the first round of drinks were leading to refills, quieted talk grew about engaging the mercenaries.

"Sid, go over there and use your feminine wiles with the mercs." Tarrie ordered the awkward pilot. 

Duk'k quickly appraised their plan, "That's a terrible idea, let's just buy them drink instead..."

Duk'k walked up to the bar to pick up the next rounds for his crew, and a to order a round to the mercenaries.  Not surprisingly, the mercs thanked the Sipsk'ud for gesture, and after a few pleasantries, went back to singing and swapping tall tales.

Duk'k walked back to the Pretio's table, but not before ordering two Giant Nebula Onion Blooms for the fellas at the bar.

Once those items hit the bartop, a ninth merc figure appeared.  A small-ish Lepi male approached the table...

"It's good to see we're not the only group that's lost."

After thanking the table for the drinks and their favorite appetizer, the alien introduced himself as Rinni, and the crew as his band of rangers.  

Captain Rinni the Ranger

Rinni and Duk'k dominated the conversation, focusing on each other's hatred of Imperial's flexing their muscles in the Outer Rim and beyond, an appreciation for weapons, and quiet regret that the planet had no need for work escorts, killing, or simply blowing stuff up. 

While those two compared notes, Sid wandered off to the nearby general store to inquire about Frozen Lac.  He hopped up on the elevated sidewalk towards the entrance to the store, and narrowly collided with a figure rushing out of the store, four gallons of paint flailing in all directions. Frozen Lac was obtained adequately and the encounter quickly forgotten.

Rinni and his crew finished their drinks and food and left in good spirits.  A few minutes later the crew decided that back to the ship sounded like a good location, once they searched for the "skinny girl," Sid.

Sid was in the middle of the road, completely focused on eating the Frozen Lac on a cone. Gathering her, they returned to the ship to find a healthy tree kraken still locked up, and a focused Ne'vets still pouring over his notes, his messages, and numerous maps.

Outside of a few new collegues, there was no advancement on any type to the mission.  

Duk'k gave a quick, but non-imperative statement, "This place seems frightfully boring, but Ne'vets is so pre-occupied that I feel obligated what kind of exotic animals are on this planet or nearby ones. Worst case, I'll look up some near-system bounties."

GM Notes: A super-quick session (without Steve/Ne'vets) turned a short hand-waving session (to allow for a 4am wake-up for a work flight) into a fully fleshed out world. Quellor is a vaguely referenced planet, and a few random rolls from The Donjon gave more options than some of the planets they've previously visited.  

Next: #58 - Dr Pammi and the Beaked Monkeys of Quellor

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