
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, October 14, 2022

An Anniversaire Announcement

 For the past 7 years, I've celebrated my wedding anniversary on the blog with happy pictures associated the big day, or some of the happy gnome art with couples.  Heck I even had the next few years of posts set-up, awaiting a few words about the joyous day. 

It's an appropriate day to announce that those future posts are removed, and today's picture is replaced by a sad gnome.  

After 16 years of marriage, almost to the day, my wife and I are separating.  No details, but the kids are still okay, and I'll be the one moving out, as soon as possible.  I've been apartment hunting for the past three weeks, and yes, it's still wildly overpriced and completely manic.  

And let's not get into the logistics of "the stuff."  Between the desire for a separate office (heck I'll take an alcove) and a strong nudge towards a guy in his late 40's not moving everything into a 2nd floor apartments, all other requirements are vanishing quickly, I might have to bite the bullet and get a secure storage unit to stash some stuff for some time.  

Everything, including the Halloween game I was planning, are currently on hiatus.  The Star Wars game just finished a messy horror-based arc, and while I still have Mondays set aside, we'll soon be subject to extra drive time, wi-fi installation, and whatever host of other problems happens in these situations.  

Still planning on coming down for Fall-In! and complete my obligations with a relaxed smile.  Barring school basketball tryouts, Maja is still planning on joining me.  

Of course, we've got three weekends of fall basketball to figure out just how awkward things can be for the adults, without letting too much of it affect the kids.  They're smart cookies, they knew what was going on.  One of them even thought about game days versus them getting to have a sleepover in this mystical new place.  

And if anyone can find a place in the Wilkes-Barre area under a grand a month that doesn't have bullet holes, let me know.   Three years ago, some of these places were under $500/month and no one wanted them.  Now they're twice as much, and in even worse condition.  

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