
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, October 1, 2022

My Gaming Plans for 2022-23

After reviewing last year's goals, I figured it would be as smart as anything to keep a good thing going and stay true to the name of the blog. 

I have a ton of cool ideas hiding in my brain, but it's always smart to stay in the Gnome Zone.

  1. The Unofficial Painting Guide to Gnome America, 2023 Update - The Mormon coming out party at Historicon 2022 opened up a discussion that reminded me that I posted the Unofficial Painting Guide five years ago.  The update will paint existing figures for new nations, with a combination of flag colors, historical uniforms,  nationalistic flair, it's a simple way to inspire other armies.  I'll probably coordinate this with the Brigade Games' eventual announcement that the Gnome Wars line has been recasted.
  2. Gnomish Space Marines, The Adventures Continue - Year Two of the GSM wasn't as exciting as year one, but with the confirmation that Planet 28 works, and the arrival of the 2nd Edition hardcover,  I'll continue to have figs in the painting queue, and with interest from the girls, we'll see if we can expand upon the universe.
  3. Star Wars - Life Day Game  - Latorna - The group doesn't read the blog, anyway (Hi Ryan!), but our "Life Day" game will go back in time to just after the last Life Day game.  Destination?  Yavin IV.
  4. Star Wars - Kurabanda of the Old Republic - My players so need to read the blog.  There's a ton of West End material that doesn't suit their mercantile campaign, so as we inevitably run low on players over the holidays/winter, I'm thinking a force-user campaign, and a return to the ancient days of Volturnus, when the Kurabanda were more civilized...and used light sabers.  Worst case, we'll just copy the prequels and some of the cartoons.
  5. Pulp Season 4 - The one sure fire topic that become popular posts over the year are my Pulp games, and last year, delays and projects pushed them off to the side. 
  6. Zombies - Maja's interested in playing again, I shall find some time in between volleyball and basketball to make that a reality, but nothing crazier than that.

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