
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

(Star Wars d6) #60 - Krom-Krom

The Crew of the Pretio in This Week's Episode 
Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise, majority owner in the Pretio.
Tarrie Prolek - Human pilot "under contract" to fly the Pretio, and drive the Piscopo. Brother of potential terrorist, rebel Latorna Savvn. His climbing skills are suspect, but his dance moves are above par. Edging a dangerous lifestyle of drugs, booze, and loose women.  He has brought along two Quelloran Beaked Monkeys, Kozar and Beegle.
Duk'k - Sipsk'ud Bounty Hunter, recently rescued by the crew. Offering his services in order to get off this barely existing hunk of mud. His warning shots are dead center mass kill shots.
"Sid" - A peculiar woman with some knowledge of their then-missing ally, Evus, Sid is now just a peculiar women with a exemplary set of skills, that still tags along with the group.
Frokazza - Wookie co-pilot and friend of Tarrie, with a rare Wookie skin condition, but the strength of ten banthas.
Jovel Nial - Newly met Bothan female with a penchant for stealing rides on the bumpers of speeders, running gun battles, and stealing things from bad people.

Traffic Law Adherence
Deciding that a a fun side adventure was necessary, 
The crew of the Pretio speed off to the planet Naboo, 
For one of the rarest items one could find.

Tiny Monkey Tuxedo Pants 

Only minutes into their visit, pilot and driver 
Tarrie Prolek obeyed the planetary vehiclar laws, 
And dropped his crew in the middle of a 
Full-blown firefight.  

Safely away from the chaos, they have discovered a stowaway 
On the bumper of their vehicle, the Piscopo, 
With uncomfortable news of what
Exactly transpired on the streets of Naboo....

With Duk'k on one side of the Piscopo, and Sid on the other, it was certain that the Bothan female than tagged a ride on the bumper of the vehicle to escape the shootout in downtown Theed.  Despite a windswept look, she appeared relaxed, with a satchel and a blaster on bumper, but both within reach.

"Thanks for the lift guys"

Duk'k was not amused, "I believe you have us mistaken with the local space taxi" 

"I didn't expect to be here, but I usually don't do rideshare.  Where are you guys heading?" 

Duk'k still did not appreciate the attempt at humor, "Would you mind explaining who those guys were that were trying to kill us."

"Nobody too important.  They're just disappointed that I took something that didn't belong to them."

"Right, I assumed as such, but I asked who they were, not why they were after you.."

The Bothan finally stumbled her words for a bit.  Sid spied a small pouch next to her .  "Most people don't like it when you steal there data, but I'll be honest, it didn't belong to the Black Sun to begin with. 

Duk'k lost his composure for a moment, letting out an audible gasp. 

"I was trying to get away, but the first speeder I wanted to jump on blew up.  Then you guys opened up fire.  That was phenomenal.  I've never seen anyone kick so much ass against the Black Sun and live to tell about it...  I'm Jovel.  And you are?"

"We're not there yet." Duk'k stated matter-of-factly.  

Jovel admitted she was keen on robbing the Black Sun institutions on Naboo many times, acquiring data and credits, sometimes keeping their business interests in check.
Jovel Nial

Ne'vets finally emerged from the Piscopo,  no weapons drawn.

Introductions were made and Jovel made another attempt at explaining what occurred.  Duk'k believed she was omitting some minor details:

"You're not telling him that we're all being chased by the Black Sun."

A series of shots rang out around the vehicle.  Everyone took cover, then quickly ascertained that the shots came from a number of rooftops.  

"I think those people caught up to us, Mister Duk'k," Sid observantly noticed.

"Again, kid, it's just Duk'k, and start shooting back!"

Even before the other occupants in the Piscopo, Duk'k already popped one of the shooters, sending him plummeting to the ground. 

Ne'vets crouched over to Tarrie's door.  The driver was confused, "What do we do?"

"We're in the right neighborhood, let's find an alleyway to hide and finish this on foot."

Frokazza finally got the twin blasters on the Piscopo online, and laid down suppressing fire onto the buildings to allow Ne'vets and Tarrie to leave the vehicle and make it to the Gungan shops across the street. Tarrie ran turned around halfway across the street to return to the Piscopo and fetch Kozar.

Most of the Gungans peering out their doors and windows quickly retreated as the duo, monkey in hand, raced under the store awnings.  

The twin blasters had at least three targets to focus on, so the shooters turned to quick bursts of inaccurate blaster fire.   Duk'k's blaster rifle jammed, leaving only Jovel and Sid targeting the rooftop shooters.  

A bit more firing, and the return fire finally stopped.  Sid went to over to the fallen body (no ID, but a nice rifle), then the crew worked over to the awnings covered shop entrances.  

Ne'vets and Tarrie were staring into one of the windows.  It looked like any traditional galactic tailor, except most of the outfits wouldn't fit an Ewok, and many of the pants had an oddly placed hole near the buttocks.  

Jovel walked up behind the two, startling them.  She was holding Beegle in her hand.  

"Looks like you forgot your monkey."

The crew walked inside, the monkey scurried off Tarrie and Jovel and wandered over to a miniature table set up for tea.  

An older Gungan emerged from a curtain covering a hallway.  "Oh my, Krom-Krom cannotta maka you  big fellas any clothing.  Krom-Krom only make teeny-tiny clothing"  then pointed at the Quelloran Beaked Monkeys, "Like those fellas!"
Krom-Krom the Tailor
Duk'k added, "Can you do it quick?" 

"Why?  Theysa so well behave little ones."

Ne'vets had other concerns, "Where's the other exits in this building, just in case?"

Krom-Krom pulled back the curtain, revealing a long hallway 

Sid was more direct, "I've checked out the area, we're safe to shop for a while."

"Oh Sweet Titans of Delcar-5, we're not sho..."

"Well, if we have time, let's get a traditional suit, and a powder blue one for special occasions."

"Tarrie, FOCUS!!!"

"Krom-Krom sees you need privacy, let us lock the door and go in the back."

Ne'vets was more specific, "Krom-Krom, I'm going to need you to produce a contract that states that this woman," pointing at Jovel, "is responsible for all damages to your store in the next hour."

"Oh, no.  Krom-Krom can ensure your safety."


Krom-Krom flew into action, measuring Kozar and calling for help to bring out powder blue and black fabric, along an "accessory pack."  A figure emerge out of the far back of the store with the cutest and smallest powder blue suit anyone had every scene for a living creature, along with black fabric, and two shopping bags full of miniaturized equipment hanging off of a an armed heavy blaster rifle. 

It was Evus, the Twi'lek former slave of Ne'vets, recently freed and missing for weeks. 

Ne'vets was more amused than shocked, "Evus ol' pal, how's things?"

Evus looked around, "Good, I see things with you are par for the course."

A nine-inch tall beaked monkey drinking tea stared up at the Twi'lek, and continued drinking tea.

"Evus, is there another way out of here?"

"Yes, right out the backdoor."

"Great, let's get these wrapped up to go."

"No-No.  Krom-Krom needs to tailor these from Kowakian Lizard Monkey pants to tiny beaky monkey pants."

The sound of speeder bikes screamed down the street.   Ne'vets offered a counter-proposal.

"Krom-Krom, let's tailor on the run, for all our safety."

The whole group worked their way out the back door and into a picnic for a large Gungan family.  As the Twi'lek made a path, the Gungans erupted, "EVUS!!!!!!!!!" 

Evus responded with high fives and quick hugs.  

Krom-Krom followed Evus, and Tarrie right behind, Kozar on his shoulder.

The Gungan children went wild, "MOOOOOOONKEEEEEEEEYYY!!!"

Evus shouted to the family, "If others are following us, tell them we went that away," pointing in the opposite direction they were going. 

The Gungans obliged, even if they pointed in a completely different, but equally wrong direction.

Emerging out of the neighborhood, they came upon a station for public transportation.  

Following Jovel's lead, they took a train to the further outskirts of the city.   They disembarked in an industrial area and headed inside one of the all-metal vehicles.  There were various parts, pieces of equipment, and half-finished projects strewn from floor to ceiling.  

A giant booming voice echoed through the building,  "JOVEL!  You brought a lot of friends.  It's good to see you, but in all sincerity, who are all these karking people."

The voice was attached to a grungy Besalisk named Chopper.  

His look became even more incredulous when he took attendance of the whole group, "And why in the name of the Whills do you have Krom-Krom with you?"

Ne'vets agreed with the ornery alien, "Yes, Jovel, answer the man's question!  Why do you have a gaggle of people with you." 

Jovel lifted her satchel, " I got what you wanted!"  

"With our assistance!"

"I jumped on the back of their speeder."

Chopper embraced the Bothan in a giant bear hug, adding Sid to the hug by mistake.

"Everyone in my office, I've got plenty of chairs."

Tarrie looked around, "Hey, can we get the Piscopo fixed here?"

Ne'vets paused, "Let's hear the man out first and see what we're getting for our troubles.   We might be looking at a brand new Piscopo, a Piscopo Junior."

Jovel pulled out a bright yellow datatape and put it into his Chopper's databank.  

Ne'vets and Chopper negotiated a deal to repair the Piscopo, if the crew could get it to an alternate shop.  

It was agreed that Evus and Tarrie would don garage uniforms and take a tow speeder to the Piscopo and tow it to the other garage.  

Ne'vets smiled and stared back at Chopper, "And while they're out on an adventure, we can see what's on that databank that's given all of us oh so much trouble."

Chopper could only nod in agreement. 

GM Notes:  I described Krom-Krom's shop as the equivilant of a Kowakian Monkey Lizard version of the American Girl Store at Times Square.

Next: #61 - A Team in High Demand

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