
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

(Star Wars d6) #61 - A Team in High Demand

The Crew of the Pretio in This Week's Episode 
Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise, majority owner in the Pretio.
Tarrie Prolek - Human pilot "under contract" to fly the Pretio, and drive the Piscopo. Brother of potential terrorist, rebel Latorna Savvn. His climbing skills are suspect, but his dance moves are above par. Edging a dangerous lifestyle of drugs, booze, and loose women.  He has brought along two Quelloran Beaked Monkeys, Kozar and Beegle.
Duk'k - Sipsk'ud Bounty Hunter, recently rescued by the crew. Offering his services in order to get off this barely existing hunk of mud. His warning shots are dead center mass kill shots.
"Sid" - A peculiar woman with some knowledge of their then-missing ally, Evus, Sid is now just a peculiar women with a exemplary set of skills, that still tags along with the group.
Frokazza - Wookie co-pilot and friend of Tarrie, with a rare Wookie skin condition, but the strength of ten banthas.

Errands on Naboo
The crew of the Pretio
Having successfully obtained the fancy pants 
For their Quelloran Beaked Monkey, 
But run afoul of the criminal organization,
The Black Sun,

Having made new acquaintances, a 
Bothan operative named Jovel, 
And her associate, a Besalisk 
Named Chopper, there are two missions at hand.
First, send a crew to go out and tow the
Badly damaged Speeder Van, the Piscopo
And secondly, be close enough to Chopper 
To see what particular data Jovel stole 
From the Black Sun....

Tarrie and Evus sat in a speeder tow-truck around the corner from where they parked the Piscopo.  There had already been two gun battles this morning, they were trying to avoid a third.   The pair had picked up a tail near the neighborhood, and they were double-checking options.  

Finding no time better than the present, they moved in.  Evus secured the Piscopo to the lift, then went into the Piscopo to activate scanners, power up the turret, and check for any sort of bugs or tracers someone maybe have installed after they previously escaped.  

Moving away from the scene, and picking up the tail again, Evus returned fire from the turret.  A qucik gun battle happened, forcing the tail to drop back a bit, but a lucky shot seized up the turret.  

Tarrie was unable to shake the interested party, so he took desperate measures.  He increased his speed, he headed towards a Gungan transportation hub, with large beasts of burden shouldering the transport, 

Meanwhile, Ne'vets sat in the office the Besalisk named Chopper, waiting for him to crack the encryption on the files Jovel had stolen from the Black Sun.  

A holo-projection shot out of an armored Nikto in an over-the-top action pose.  

Chopper was pleased, "This bounty hunter cost the my bosses a fortune by stealing a shipment of their spice and bringing it to Black Sun instead. Unsurprisingly, the Pykes aren’t happy about it, and they’ll pay well if any of us can take care of this problem for them.   Which makes matters more fun because this Kaa-to Leeacheos stole from the Pykes and tried to double-cross the Black Sun while trying to sell it to them.  It appears he's on planet to look for a different bounty."

The hologram disappeared and was replaced with the official Imperial ID for one Ne'vets Aharo.

Chopper looked at Ne'vets, "Evil twin?  Doppleganger?"

"Alright, where's the bounty hunter bureau or whatever where I can go to clear my name?  There's gotta be some mistakes somewhere."
Ne'vets setting up a pivot table to better track the insane number of bounties on his head

Chopper shook his head, "This is not a galactic credit check for an outstanding MedDroid bill, Mister Aharo.  The 30k one is vague "Massive Destruction of Imperial Property" and its a few weeks old, but there are an assortment of minor corporate bounties.... hey,  did you trash a hot tub on Zeltros, and kill two hookers?"

"There is a corporate bounty for 10k against you placed by the Strell Corporation."

"They were the ones squatting on a corporate claim.  That's not fair!"

"Persons for the Ethical Treatment of Alien Lifeforms set a 4,572 credit bounty on 'Aiding in the destruction and extermination of the Bioxin Azure Rabbit.'"

Frokazza finally chimed in, "Maybe they felt bad you were still mourning your emotional support animals death."

Tarrie had some minor bounties, and a bounty-less request of capture for being a known associate of rebel and terrorist, Latorna Savvn... and possibly child support for a number women.    Frokazza had some Wookie-related claims.  There was absolutely nothing on Sid.

Back on the streets of Naboo, Tarrie took a sharp right turn, clipping the front of the creature unloading a bunch of school-age Gungans.  Evus finally was able to line up a shot with the speeders following them, dispersing a speeder bike, cracking a windshield, and making the beast even more irate.  

The tails tried to continue to follow, but ended up crashing into police speeders in a sting operation to catch traffic violations around bus zones, trying to pull out to pursue the speeding tow-truck. 

Within a minute or so, there was no one following them.  Mission success!  A more minutes after that and they had gained access to Chopper's other shop.  

Back at Chopper's, the Besalisk laid it to them straight.

"This guy's bad news, but we'll give you first shot at them, so he don't find you first.  Plus you could negotiate a deal with the Black Sun, and earn goodwill with the Pykes before you get out of here with those monkey pants.    Regardless, we'll do the touch-up work on your speeder."  

An hour later, Evus and Tarrie were clandestinely dropped off at Chopper's main shop.   Duk'k got them updated.   

Duk'k was relieved to not find himself  on the bounty list, and offered to find Kaa'to Leeachos, offer to split the bounty on Ne'vets with him, then lead him to an ambush site to liquidate them.

"Don't know if these are all legit, most of these bounties were  placed before the rash of Imperial Inspections we suffered,"  Duk'k added. "All of you should be in jail if they cared."

The others agreed, so Duk'k went solo, taking one of Chopper's old speeders.  Working the streets, Duk'k uncovered that Kaa'to might still have a significant portion of the spice, and a reference to Zelcomm tower in downtown Theed.  Zelcomm was a shipping company, focusing on illegal transport and smuggling.  It was a pretty secure building with well-known human Corrum Sadia in charge of the tower. 

Kaa'to was noted to spend time at the Umbra Club, Naboo's only licensed Death Stick dispensary.  Speng, the manager would be a good contact to reach.  

Kaa'to also frequented a Sabbaac parlor called The Spyder.  The clientele was a lota of folks in the know about a lot of things, but it was also a Black Sun gambling den. Would the bounty hunter be so brazen as to actually show up?  

Finally, Frokazza offered to go to the other garage, with Crom-Crom, the Gungan Tailor, and Kozar and Beegle, the Quelloran Beaked Monkeys in need of tuxedo pants, to ensure everyone's safety, and check on the repairs to the Piscopo. Once he left, Ne'vets got everyone else a three star hotel with plenty of room service before they headed out for more leads.

GM Notes:  There was a far worse situation with the Gungan school bus transporting children, and closed-circuit video going viral on the Naboo Evening News.  The campaign can get pretty zany, but what transpired was waaaay too much.


  1. Hello Eric, I would like to contact you about the history of Bogglecon and subsequent Lehicons. How may I contact you? - Ginny

    1. Hi Ginny, feel free to shoot me an email at
