
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

(Star Wars d6) #62 - The Umbra Club

The Crew of the Pretio in This Week's Episode 
Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise, majority owner in the Pretio.
Tarrie Prolek - Human pilot "under contract" to fly the Pretio, and drive the Piscopo. Brother of potential terrorist, rebel Latorna Savvn. His climbing skills are suspect, but his dance moves are above par. Edging a dangerous lifestyle of drugs, booze, and loose women.
Duk'k - Sipsk'ud Bounty Hunter, recently rescued by the crew. Offering his services in order to get off this barely existing hunk of mud. His warning shots are dead center mass kill shots.
"Sid" - A peculiar woman with some knowledge of their missing ally, Evus, Sid has been allowed to tag along for now...
Evus - Twi'lek male, former slave, then former associate of Ne'vets, currently working for Crom-Crom the Gungan on Naboo, but caught back up in the nonsense of the Pretio.

Hunting the Hunter
With their transportation under repair,
News of bounties under everyone's heads, 
And mythical monkey pants acquired, 
The crew of the Pretio put it upon themselves 
To find the primary bounty hunter seeking 
Them out, a Nikto named Kaa'tos Leeachos.

Duk'k the Bounty Hunter, the only
Crew member without a rap sheet, 
Assembled a list of possible location 
For Kaa'tos to be found, 

But in this day and age, is is wise to brazenly
Go in and asking questions, few truly
Want answered?

It was decided early on, that it would be a bad idea to split up the group, but going into these establishments en masse wasn't too keen.   Ne'vets reasoned, "At least, if we're together, if I am shot in the back, I'd like to be avenged...." 

"Depends on if those bounties on your head are for dead or alive..."  Duk'k retorted.

The Umbra Club was in a surprisingly nice part of town.  The legitimate front was that of a higher-end nightclub, complete with holovids of revelers dancing.

As they entered the complex, they realized that the only dancing to be conducted was one stage or regarding booths that referenced alcohol, but none was served.  A pungent smell, of  wave after wave of stale liquor, burning Death Sticks, and other rank substances washed over them.  

Most of the couches were half-broken.  The only area that looked well-maintained were the stages.  A single male Gran tended bar for a half-dozen patrons crowding around it.  

"This is my type of place,"  Tarrie acknowledged.

Ne'vets found a bearable wraparound booth to order drinks to keep their eyes open.  

Duk'k went to order drinks and try to find some Death Sticks.  The Gran was partially accommodating.   "Here's your drink, but Death Sticks ain't my territory."

"Okay, that's fine.  Hey, I'm also looking for Kaa'tos Leeachos.  Has he been around?

"He has from time to time.  Tends to hang out with a guy named Sveng.  In fact, he's your Death Stick hook-up."

With Tarrie five meters behind him, Duk'k walked over to a booth with a curtain drawn.  Duk'k waited in an adjacent booth for a few minutes, but the curtain is pulled aside.  A dazed and confused human female staggered out of the booth and wandered out the front door.  

Duk'k took a few moments paused before entering the booth and drawing the curtains close.  Inside was a single human male, with a shaved head.  

"Hello friend, what can I do ya for?"

Meanwhile, some of the crew at the other table were getting rambunctious.  

"We haven't had a single server come up to us.  The service here is horrible!" Sid blurted out.

Back at Sveng's table, Duk'k completed a transaction for Death Sticks, and immediately follow-up with inquiries about Kaa'to Leeachos.

"Woah, wow, no offense, but he's way out of your league."

"I know, but I willing to improve your business situation," and with that Duk'k slid a small pile of credits across the table.  Sveng nodded in approval, but did not reach out to collect the funds. 

At the same time, Tarrie was gesticulating wildly toward Duk'k from across the club. Duk'k gave him a knowing nod, and a gesture to Sveng, and Tarrie joined them in the curtained booth. 

"Ya, he just needs to pay some bills over at the Spyder.  He owes them a lot of money.  I enjoy the finer things and I can help move some of the things he's come upon.  I'd like to see that to continue.  I'm not going to completely sell him out for a few credits."

Tarrie slid over a bit closer, blaster obviously out underneath the table. 

"Kaa'to's a good guy.  And if he kills you, he's immediately going to go after me.  No amount of credits is worth that."  With a hand motion, Duk'k could detect a comm in Sveng's hand.

"Just set the comm down, or I'll show you why I'm not worried about Kaa'to killing us."

Sveng complied, but footsteps could be heard coming closer.

With a flash of his hand, Duk'k pushed the credits closer to Sveng and motioned for Tarrie to leave.  

They picked up Sid in the main room, attempting to ask the dancers their career choices.

As they grabbed Ne'vets, the all left the Umbra Club, Sid asking Ne'vets, "Sir, Why is there not Spotchka in the Spotchka Rooms?"

"Not today. Sid. Not today."

GM Notes:  When one of the players helped catch up a player who missed this session, they described the Umbra Club as "First place: Strip club, crack house, and dance party.  A little sketchy."  I really expected at least a running gun battle to get out of there, but was impressed by Duk'k and Tarrie's wisdom and decision-making.  That doesn't happen every time. 

I noted here I retroactively kept Kozar the Quelloran Beaked Monkey back with Frokazza at Chopper's second shop. There was reference in this episode of the monkey being enamored with the dancers, but this storyline progressed, Kozar appeared to disappear.  

Next: #63 - Inside the Spyder

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