
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

(Star Wars d6) #69 - The Killbox

The crew of the Pretio risking their lives in This Week's Episode
Ne'vets Aharo - An exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise, majority owner in the Pretio, with no combat skills whatsoever.
Duk'k - Sipsk'ud Bounty Hunter, recently rescued by the crew. His warning shots are dead center mass kill shots.
"Sid" - A peculiar woman with some piloting prowess, no social skills, and a mysterious past.
Evus - Twi'lek male, former slave, then former associate of Ne'vets.  Recently re-united with the crew on Naboo.
Tarrie Prolek - Human pilot "under contract" to fly the Pretio, and drive the Piscopo. Currently missing after a gunfight gone wrong at the Spyder gambling club on Naboo.

The Killbox
Deep under Naboo's capital city, 
The crew of the Pretio, still searching 
For their friend and pilot, Tarrie Prolek, 
Have engaged with a group of 
Double-crossing Transdoshans who 
Are quite clear with their intent to collect 
The Black Sun bounties on the crew.

Leave it to Ne'vets Aharo, exotic animal broker
And smooth customer, but weapons neophyte
To fire the first shot inside a large metal box....

Ne'vets blast shot rang out inside the double container, and missed Tray'essek, leader of the Transdoshans, by a country mile. Unfortunately, the shot reflected off the back container wall, and ricocheted off the other walls numerous times before leaving a glancing scorch mark on Tray'essek's shoulder.

Sid quickly turned her blaster to the Transdoshan next to her and knocked him off his feet, more out of surprise than harm.  Ne'vets, "That's what we call in the industry, the Killbox."

Realizing no one even had the notion to fire back at him yet, Ne'vets dove under the table.

Tray'essek was stunned by the attack, but also dove under the table to attempt to wrestle with Ne'vets. Both resulted in each choking each other without doing any harm to the other.

Evus and Duk'k both tried to evade the Transdoshan's fire, and luckily their armor absorbed the blows of the ricochets. Duk'k turned straight around and with two blaster pistols, blew the head off of one of Tray'essek's men, The others returned fire at Duk'k, but missed. The shot bounced around, including glancing off Duk'k's armor, until it wounded a third Transdoshan!

Evus made some covering fire and proceeded to work on opening one of the shut (and apparently locked) doors.

Under the table, Ne'vets rolled Tray'essek onto his back. The exporter cocked his first back as far as the underside of table allowed, and hit the Transdosian square in the nose repeatedly. A trickle of blodd spurted out his nose.

All Tray'essek could do was laugh in Ne'vets' face.

Sid fire a gut shot at another Transdoshan, and the last two fired wildly, trying to find their own escape. Another flurry of blaster fire wounded everyone by ricochets rather than direct hits. Duk'k finally ended the fight above the table with back-to-back blaster shots into the Transdoshan's chests.

Evus finally got the door open and hollered at the others to escape. Hearing the call, Ne'vets spun around, kicked Tray'essek in the face to break free.

As the crew members all stared at the now-open door, they could detect a beeping sound and something beeping rolling on the floor, followed immediately by the table getting flipped, sending credits and candy flying everywhere.   Sid dove over to grab Ne'vets and pulled on him to get him through the door.  

Duk'k, on the other hand, moved towards the obvious grenade, and with a hand pass, flipped it back over the table at the final living Transdoshan in the container. 

The camera pans outside the container building.  Evus rolled out of the door.   Sid was forced out the door from the subsequent explosion.

<Cue End Credits>

GM Notes:  Frokazza's player had already been missing a number of session due to work, so he's always in the background of scenes (not at the Spyder).  There's no ETAs for his return, so a short-term resolution is in future episodes.

Quote of the Night:  "Everything is easier behind the control of a TIE Interceptor."

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