
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, December 16, 2022

Turning Things Into a Hobby Room

Two weeks into moving into the new apartment and things are still a work in progress.    When the kids came over we christened the gaming space with a game of Formula D on the kitchen table, but there has been only gradual progress in the new "Krigut Rum," simply because all the other rooms in the house have priority.  

I've also discovered the wide variety, varying quality, and limited stock of just about every folding table on the market today.  Orders for adjustable height tables have been cancelled on a number of platforms due to them simply being out of stock everywhere.  The existing folding table I used for an overflow table previously, and has work well as a work desk this month,  will take over as my painting bench, complete with new Spicy Shelves, and a few shelves to stock flocking, etc.  

The oddest "First World" problem I no longer have moving into an apartment is that I don't have basement water issues, so I can actually use my shelving units to their full potential.  If my second floor apartment takes water, we have an utter catastrophe in Pennsylvania.

Another bonus:  No gargantuan creatures interrupting my game.  

Project 350: No big surprise that the backlog is creeping up to 461 (304/157) from 455 (299/156).  Biggest ongoing project is to get caught up on the Gamma World Actual Play write-ups, and perhaps, just perhaps a Christmas game at the apartment. 

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