
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, January 16, 2023

(Brutal Quest) Balor Redstaff - Human Wizard - #Character Creation Challenge

As I continue to delve into Brutal Quest for filler days for the #CharacterCreationChallenge, I am starting to appreciate the few 15mm fantasy figures I've acquired from my orders to Battle Valor Games.   Smaller figs, quicker paintjobs, and I can retain the movement and shooting ranges for faster feeling games.

The big dude coming out of my Brutal Quest runs will be a wizard, Balor Redstaff specifically.

15mm Mounted Wizard from Battle Valor Games

Balor Redstaff - Human Wizard -  381 points
Agility: 4
Melee:  4
Ranged: 7 
Awareness:  6
Psyche:  8

Speed: 10cm 
Hit Points:  20
Abilities:  Master Sorcerer, Drain 
Spells: Blinding Light, Fireball, Shield, Teleport
Inventory:  Ancient Scroll, Staff (1d6)

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