
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, January 5, 2023

(D&D 5e) Bloodwyn Pfleegor - Human Chaos Sorceress - #CharacterCreationChallenge

Day 5 of the of the #CharacterCreationChallenge, and I return to building more pre-gens for a D&D 5e Ghosts of Saltmarsh 5e campaign

Bloodwyn Pfleegor - 1st level Human Chaos Sorceress (Wild Magic)
Age, 23  5'7"
ST:  11 (0)
DX:  9  (-1)
CN: 13 (+1)
IN:  17 (+3)
WS:17 (+3)
CH: 15 (+2)
Hit Points: 6
Armor Class:  9  (No armor + Dex Penalty)
Initiative:  -1
Speed: 25

Skills: Arcana (+5), Deception (+4), Insight (+5)

Languages: Read/Write Trade Prythax (Common)

Speak: Common, Elvish

Equipment:  Light Crossbow w/ 20 bolts. 2 daggers, Explorer's Pack, Arcane Focus (single crystal teardrop earring).

Special Abilities:  Wild Magic Surge, Tides of Chaos.

Cantrips Known: Blade Ward, Fire Bolt, Mending, Shocking Grasp
1st Level Known: Comprehend Languages, Shield

Bloodwyn never anticipated making Saltmarsh her home.  Heck, she never thought about most of the things that have happened to her in past few years.

Bloodwyn was content being part of a crew of highwaymen, robbing rich travelers and depending on the outcome, fleeing into the hills either with their own ill-gotten gains, or with their lives. 

During the last robbery she ever committed, her wild magic powers manifested, but completely uncontrolled.  Lightning crackled through the scene, killing guard and highwaymen alike, including her true love.  Unfortunately the lightning also spooked the horses pulling the carriage they were robbing, running over, and seriously injuring Bloodwyn.   She managed to pull herself off the road before the local patrol arrived at the scene, and convinced them that she was a lowly passenger caught up in the attack.  The patrol got her cleaned up, fed, and (poorly) attended to by a local healer, before sticking her on the next carriage... to Saltmarsh. 

That was a few months ago.  Bloodwyn's sorcery has been growing in power, and despite her losing most of her previous talents due to her injuries, her tongue was always sharper than any sword or blade she wielded.

Personality Traits:  "Never tell me the odds!"

Ideals: Redemption: "There's good in everyone!"

Bonds: "Someone I loved died because of a mistake I made.  I will never let that happen again!"

Flaws: "When I see something of value, I can't think about anything else but stealing it."

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