
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, January 23, 2023

(D&D 5e) Daelynn Fireglow - 1st Level Half-Elf Fighter - #CharacterCreationChallenge

Day 23 of the  #CharacterCreationChallenge, and yet again I return to building more pre-gens for a D&D 5e Ghosts of Saltmarsh 5e campaign

Daelynn Fireglow - 1st level Half-Elf Duelist (Actually a disguised 1st level Human Bard)
Age, 22  5'5"
ST:   9 (-1)
DX: 15 (+2)
CN: 14 (+2)
IN:   11 (0)
WS: 11 (0)
CH: 14 (+2)
Hit Points: 10
Armor Class: 13  (Leather plus Dex Bonus)
Initiative:  +2
Speed: 30

Skills: Deception +4, History +2, Performance +4, Persuasion +4, Stealth +4

Languages: Read/Write Trade Prythax (Common), Dwarvish

Speak: Common, Elvish, Dwarvish

Equipment:  Leather Armor, Rapier, Dagger, Diplomat's Pack, 25 gp (Hidden: Scroll of Pedigree, fine clothes, signet ring.)

Special Abilities:  Spellcasting (4 spells known, 2 1st level per day, 2 cantrips per day), Bardic Inspiration (d6)

Cantrips Known: Blade Ward, Dancing Friends, Friends, Light
1st Level Known: Unseen Servant, Comprehend Languages, Cure Wounds, Unseen Servant

Thanks to the demand for hard working folk in Saltmarsh, people barely bat an eye at a graceful half-elf working various jobs, from hard labor to being a scribe.  It also doesn't hurt that Daelynn Fireglow is one of the friendliest, most gregarious people anyone could meet.  Even the most hardened folk in Saltmarsh can't help but like her.   

To the townsfolk, Daelynn is a duelist, possibly from the Agenmoor, but that would make her but a baby before the fall to the Shadow Elves, and she doesn't carry herself like any refugee they may have encountered before.  

Little does anyone know, but the friendly half-elf is not only completely human, but also technically on the list for royal succession in the kingdom.  Lana Silvershield is the 4th Cousin, Four Times removed from the current king.  Her grandfather and great-grandfather graced the royal palace as an administrator for many years before relinquishing control and returning to rule over their Duchy of Ferrand.  

Not that Lana would every become Duchess, either.  As forth in line for the title, her other siblings have taken the military route and the clergy, so an adventuring lifestyle doesn't seem so far-fetched.

Except she's not adventuring incognito without a plan... from his Royal Majesty the King himself!  

Saltmarsh and the surrounding areas have largely been independent from the kingdom for two or three generations.  Beyond the mercantile machinations, there have been outright rebellions staged over the years.  

The King has determined that loyalists to the crown need to be placed in positions of power around Saltmarsh and Orlane, to influence the independent towns and eventually get them under the auspices of the Crown.  

Coming from a distant, but loyal, branch of the family, Lana has been offered a small barony to the north of Saltmarsh.  She arrived in town incognito, and once she finally traversed the wilderness, discovered most of her barony entailed the dreaded Drowned Forest and lizardman infested swamp.  She's staying in character to determine if she wishes to follow-through with accepting the title, and the work it involves, or promote the good deeds of the Silvershield name in Saltmarsh and the surrounding towns.  Open rebellion created many opportunities in the past, and none of those folks had royal blood in their veins. 

Personality Traits:  She can be utterly serene, even when she's in distress.

Ideals: Respect:  "My position demands respect, but all people regardless of their station deserve to be treated with dignity."

Bonds: "My family's bonds with the Royal Silvershields must be maintained, no matter at what cost."

Flaws: "I can quickly turn someone's words and action beyond their original intent, and I can be quick to anger. in those situations."


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